(This note is not part of the Order)

This Order gives effect in specified Overseas Territories to sanctions in respect of Eritrea adopted by the United Nations Security Council in resolution 1907 (2009), as well as exemptions to the sanctions adopted in United Nations Security Council resolution 2060 (2012). The Order also gives effect to implementation of the sanctions by the European Union in Council Decision 2010/127 CFSP, as amended.

The main provisions of the sanctions in respect of Eritrea as reflected in this Order are: a prohibition in respect of the direct or indirect sale, supply or transfer to Eritrea of arms and related materiel; a prohibition on the supply to Eritrea of technical assistance, training, financial and other specified forms of assistance; a prohibition on obtaining arms and related materiel as well as technical assistance, training, financial and other specified forms of assistance from Eritrea; a freezing of funds and economic resources owned or controlled by persons or entities designated by the United Nations Security Council Committee established pursuant to United Nations Security Council resolutions 751 (1992) and 1907 (2009) concerning Somalia and Eritrea; a prohibition on making funds and economic resources available to such designated persons or entities; and a prohibition in respect of the sale, supply or transfer of arms and related materiel and the supply of technical assistance or training, financial or other assistance to such designated persons or entities.