SCHEDULE 9U.K.Detention and sale of aircraft

Release of aircraftU.K.

3.—(1) The regulator must not detain, or continue to detain, or sell an aircraft if—

(a)following detention, the regulator no longer has reason to believe the defaulting operator is the operator of the aircraft;

(b)in relation to a detention under regulation 39(1)(a), the defaulting operator—

(i)has exercised a right of appeal in respect of the civil penalty for which the aircraft has been detained;

(ii)gives to the regulator, pending the determination or withdrawal of the appeal, sufficient security for the payment of that civil penalty and any other civil penalty that the defaulting operator has not paid; and

(iii)pays to the regulator the regulator expenses;

(c)the defaulting operator or any other person claiming an interest in the aircraft demonstrates to the satisfaction of the regulator that the defaulting operator is no longer entitled to possession of the detained aircraft, or no longer entitled to possession of a part of it, in particular by virtue of the termination of any lease of the aircraft or of any part;

(d)in relation to a detention under regulation 39(1)(a), the defaulting operator pays to the regulator—

(i)the civil penalty for which the aircraft has been detained;

(ii)any other civil penalty that the defaulting operator has not paid; and

(iii)the regulator expenses;

(e)in relation to a detention under regulation 39(1)(b)—

(i)the operating ban imposed on the defaulting operator is lifted; and

(ii)the defaulting operator pays to the regulator any regulator expenses; or

(f)in relation to a detention under regulation 39(1)(b)—

(i)the regulator is satisfied that the aircraft will not be flown from the aerodrome in contravention of the operating ban; and

(ii)the defaulting operator pays to the regulator any regulator expenses.

(2) Where an aircraft has been detained, but subsequently released under sub-paragraph (1)(c), any unpaid regulator expenses incurred in relation to that detention are deemed to be added to any regulator expenses that may subsequently be incurred in relation to an aircraft of which the defaulting operator is the operator.