(This note is not part of the Order)

The following provisions of the Child Maintenance and Other Payments Act 2008 have been brought into force by commencement order made before the date of this Order:


Date of Commencement

S.I. No.

section 1 (partially)10th June 20082008/1476
section 1 (for all other purposes)24th July 20082008/2033
section 224th July 20082008/2033
section 3 (partially)24th July 20082008/2033
section 3 (for all other purposes)1st November 20082008/2675
section 424th July 20082008/2033
section 524th July 20082008/2033
section 624th July 20082008/2033
section 724th July 20082008/2033
section 824th July 20082008/2033
section 924th July 20082008/2033
section 1024th July 20082008/2033
section 1124th July 20082008/2033
section 1224th July 20082008/2033
section 131st November 20082008/2675
section 141st November 20082008/2675
section 15 (partially)14th July 20082008/1476
section 15 (for all other purposes)27th October 20082008/2548
section 16 (partially)8th October 20122012/2523
section 17 (partially)8th October 20122012/2523
section 20 (partially)26th September 20082008/2548
section 20 (for all other purposes)27th October 20082008/2548
section 22 (partially)1st June 20092009/1314
section 22 (for all other purposes)3rd August 20092009/1314
section 23 (partially)1st June 20092009/1314
section 23 (for all other purposes)3rd August 20092009/1314
section 246th April 20102010/697
section 31 (partially)26th November 20092009/3072
section 31 (for all other purposes)25th January 20102009/3072
section 32 (partially)8th October 20122012/2523
section 33 (partially)8th October 20122012/2523
section 36 (partially)26th September 20082008/2548
section 36 (for all other purposes)27th October 20082008/2548
section 378th October 20122012/2523
section 3826th November 20092009/3072
section 418th October 20122012/2523
section 42 (partially)8th October 20122012/2523
section 435th August 20082008/2033
section 441st November 20082008/2675
section 4514th July 20082008/1476
section 46 (partially)10th June 20082008/1476
section 46 (for all other purposes)1st October 20082008/1476
section 47 (partially)10th June 20082008/1476
section 47 (for all other purposes)1st October 20082008/1476
section 48 (partially)10th June 20082008/1476
section 48 (for all other purposes)1st October 20082008/1476
section 49 (partially)10th June 20082008/1476
section 49 (for all other purposes)1st October 20082008/1476
section 50 (partially)10th June 20082008/1476
section 50 (for all other purposes)1st October 20082008/1476
section 511st October 20082008/1476
section 521st October 20082008/1476
section 53 (partially)10th June 20082008/1476
section 53 (for all other purposes)1st October 20082008/1476
section 54 (partially)10th June 20082008/1476
section 54 (for all other purposes)1st October 20082008/1476
section 5610th June 20082008/1476
section 57(1) (partially)27th October 20082008/2548
section 57(1) (partially)1st November 20082008/2675
section 57(1) (partially)1st June 20092009/1314
section 57(1) (partially)3rd August 20092009/1314
section 57(1) (partially)8th October 20122012/2523
section 57(2)10th June 20082008/1476
section 58 (partially)14th July 20082008/1476
section 58 (partially)27th October 20082008/2548
section 58 (partially)1st November 20082008/2675
section 58 (partially)1st June 20092009/1314
section 58 (partially)8th October 20122012/2523
section 5910th June 20082008/1476
section 60(1)10th June 20082008/1476
Schedule 1 (partially)10th June 20082008/1476
Schedule 1 (for all other purposes)24th July 20082008/2033
Schedule 21st November 20082008/2675
Schedule 3 (partially)See article 2(a) of Commencement Order No. 4(1)2008/2675
Schedule 3 (for all other purposes)1st November 20082008/2675
Schedule 4 (partially)8th October 20122012/2523
Schedule 61st November 20082008/2675
Schedule 7 (partially)14th July 20082008/1476
Schedule 7 (partially)27th October 20082008/2548
Schedule 7 (partially)1st November 20082008/2675
Schedule 7 (partially)1st June 20092009/1314
Schedule 7 (partially)3rd August 20092009/1314
Schedule 7 (partially)6th April 20102010/697
Schedule 7 (partially)27th June 20122012/1649
Schedule 7 (partially)8th October 20122012/2523
Schedule 8 (partially)14th July 20082008/1476
Schedule 8 (partially)27th October 20082008/2548
Schedule 8 (partially)1st November 20082008/2675
Schedule 8 (partially)1st June 20092009/1314
Schedule 8 (partially)8th October 20122012/2523

Child Maintenance and Other Payments Act 2008 (Commencement No. 4 and Transitional Provision) Order 2008 (S.I. 2008/2675 (C. 116)).