
Statutory Instruments

2012 No. 344

Health Care And Associated Professions


The Postgraduate Medical Education and Training (Amendment) Order of Council 2012


7th February 2012

Laid before Parliament

16th February 2012

Coming into force

16th March 2012

At the Council Chamber, Whitehall the 7th day of February 2012

By the Lords of Her Majesty’s Most Honourable Privy Council

Their Lordships make the following Order in exercise of powers conferred by section 34D(3) of the Medical Act 1983(1).

Citation and commencement

1.  This Order may be cited as the Postgraduate Medical Education and Training (Amendment) Order of Council 2012 and comes into force on 16th March 2012.


2.  For the Schedule to the Postgraduate Medical Education and Training Order of Council 2010(2) (recognised specialties within the United Kingdom), substitute—

Article 11

SCHEDULERecognised Specialties within the United Kingdom

PART 1Specialties requiring a minimum training period of five years

PART 2Specialties requiring a minimum training period of four years

PART 3Specialties requiring a minimum training period of three years

PART 4Specialties with no minimum training period

Richard Tilbrook

Clerk of the Privy Council


(This note is not part of the Order)

This Order substitutes the Schedule to the Postgraduate Medical Education and Training Order of Council 2010 (S.I.2010/473). The Schedule lists the specialties recognised by the United Kingdom.

The substituted Schedule—

(a)adds diagnostic neuropathology, forensic histopathology, paediatric and perinatal pathology, and vascular surgery as recognised specialties;

(b)in accordance with Council Directive 2005/36 EC(3) it includes an entry for histopathology (which requires a minimum training period of four years);

(c)specifies a minimum training period of five years for medical oncology;

(d)specifies a minimum training period of fours years for clinical genetics;

(e)changes the name of the specialty of audiological medicine to audio vestibular medicine;

(f)changes the name of the specialty of psychotherapy to medical psychotherapy.


1983 c. 54. Section 34D was inserted by 2010/234, article 4 and Schedule 1, paragraph 10.


Annex V, point 5.1.3.