PART 2For the protection of EDF Energy

Buffer zone for Sizewell B offshore infrastructure4


No part of the works for the authorised project shall take place using vessels allied with those works within a buffer zone extending 300 metres from the Sizewell B cooling water intake and outfall and associated seabed culverts (as shown on drawing GWF 887 R3 Rev3 (BEEMS-MS0359A)) nor shall any anchor be placed within or chains or cables laid across that buffer zone during the course of such works unless the undertaker obtains the prior approval of EDF Energy (not to be unreasonably withheld or delayed) to the placement of such anchor or chains or cables within the buffer zone.


The relevant centre point positions for the 300 metre buffer zone are—


SZB cooling water intake—

WGS84 lat long: 52° 12′ 53.086″ N, 01° 38′ 00.049″ E;


the associated subseabed culvert runs from that position through MHWS at—

WGS84 lat long: 52° 12′ 50.742″ N, 01° 37′ 24.643″ E;


SZB cooling water outfall—

WGS84 lat long: 52° 12′ 54.965″ N, 01° 37′ 35.792″ E;


the associated subseabed culvert runs from that position through MHWS at—

WGS84 lat long: 52° 12′ 53.399″ N, 01° 37′ 24.647″ E.