The Electricity and Gas (Market Integrity and Transparency) (Enforcement etc.) Regulations 2013

Regulation 6

SCHEDULE 2Service of notices

This schedule has no associated Explanatory Memorandum


1.—(1) In this Schedule—

“appropriate person” means an individual to whom a relevant document may be given, in accordance with paragraph 3, in order to give that document to a person who is not an individual;

“business day” means any day except Saturday, Sunday or a bank holiday, where “bank holiday” includes Christmas Day and Good Friday;

“document” means a notice or document (as defined in regulation 2) of any kind;

“nominee”, in relation to any person to whom a document is to be given (“A”), means a person (“B”) who is authorised for the time being to receive relevant documents on behalf of A, to whom relevant documents may be given if A has notified the Authority in writing that B is so authorised;

“relevant document” means—


a document in relation to which a provision of these Regulations requires a document of that kind to be given;


where a provision of these Regulations authorises the imposition of a requirement, a document by which such a requirement is imposed.

(2) For the purposes of this Schedule, writing includes any means of electronic communication which may be processed to produce a legible text.

Methods of service

2.—(1) This paragraph has effect in relation to any relevant document given by the Authority to any person (“the recipient”).

(2) Any such document must be given by one of the following methods—

(a)by delivering it to the recipient, the recipient’s nominee or the appropriate person;

(b)by leaving it at the proper address of the recipient, the recipient’s nominee or the appropriate person, determined in accordance with paragraph 4;

(c)by posting it to that address; or

(d)by transmitting it by fax or other means of electronic communication to the recipient, the recipient’s nominee or the appropriate person, in accordance with paragraph 5.

(3) For the purposes of this paragraph, “posting” a relevant document means sending that document pre-paid by a postal service which seeks to deliver documents by post within the United Kingdom no later than the next working day in all or the majority of cases, and to deliver by post outside the United Kingdom within such a period as is reasonable in all the circumstances.

Appropriate person to be served

3.—(1) A relevant document which is required to be given by the Authority to a person who is not an individual may—

(a)where that person is a body corporate (other than a limited liability partnership), be given to the secretary or the clerk of that body, or to any person holding a senior position in that body;

(b)where that person is a limited liability partnership, be given to any designated member, within the meaning given in section 8 of the Limited Liability Partnerships Act 2000(1);

(c)where that person is a partnership (other than a limited liability partnership), be given to any partner;

(d)where that person is an unincorporated association other than a partnership, be given to any member of the governing body of the association.

(2) For the purposes of this paragraph, persons holding a senior position in a body corporate include—

(a)a director, the treasurer, secretary or chief executive, and

(b)a manager of other officer of that body who, in either case, has responsibility for the matter to which the relevant document relates.

Proper address for service

4.—(1) The proper address is any current address provided by that person as an address for service of relevant documents.

(2) In the case of any person who has not provided an address as mentioned in sub-paragraph (1), the proper address is the last known address of that person (whether of that person’s residence, or of a place where that person carries on business or is employed), or any address under such of any of the following provisions as may be applicable—

(a)in the case of a body corporate (other than a limited liability partnership), its secretary or its clerk, the address of its registered or principal office in the United Kingdom;

(b)in the case of a limited liability partnership or any of its designated members, the address of its registered or principal office in the United Kingdom;

(c)in the case of a partnership (other than a limited liability partnership) or any of its partners, the address of its principal office in the United Kingdom;

(d)in the case of an unincorporated association other than a partnership, or its governing body, the address of its principal office in the United Kingdom.

(3) Where the address mentioned in sub-paragraph (1) is situated in a country or territory other than the United Kingdom, the Authority may give a relevant document by leaving it at, or posting it to, any applicable address of a place in the United Kingdom falling within paragraph (2).

Service by electronic means of communication

5.—(1) The Authority may give a relevant document by fax only if the person to whom it is to be given (“the recipient”) has indicated in writing to the Authority (and has not withdrawn the indication)—

(a)that the recipient is willing to receive relevant documents by fax, and

(b)the fax number to which such documents should be sent.

(2) If the Authority gives a relevant document by fax it must, by the end of the business day following the day on which it did so, send a copy of that document to the recipient by any method specified in paragraph 2 other than fax.

(3) The Authority may give a relevant document by any other electronic means of communication only if the recipient—

(a)has indicated in writing to the Authority (and has not withdrawn the indication) that the recipient is willing to receive relevant documents by those means, and

(b)has provided, in writing to the Authority for this purpose, an email address, or other electronic identification such as an ISDN or other telephonic link number.

Deemed service

6.—(1) A relevant document which is given by the Authority to any person in accordance with this Schedule is to be treated as having been received on the day shown in the table below.

Method of giving

Deemed day of receipt

Leaving the document at the proper addressThe business day after the day on which it is left at the proper address
Post to an address in the United KingdomThe second business day after posting
Post to an address in any EEA State (other than the United Kingdom)The fifth business day after posting
FaxThe business day after the day on which the document is transmitted
Other electronic means of communicationThe business day after the day on which the document is transmitted

(2) Where a relevant document is given by fax, that document is to be treated as having been received on the deemed day of receipt of the fax, determined in accordance with sub-paragraph (1), regardless of whether the Authority has sent a copy of that document in accordance with sub-paragraph (2) of paragraph 5.

Service on the Authority

7.—(1) For the purposes of any provision under these Regulations which requires a person (“the sender”) to give a document to the Authority before the end of a specified period, the sender is to be regarded as having complied with that requirement (irrespective of the day on which the document is in fact received by the Authority if it is sent by post, fax or other electronic means) if the sender sends the document to the Authority in accordance with any applicable directions before the end of the specified period or, where no such directions apply, if the sender—

(a)delivers the document to an employee of the Authority with responsibility for the matter to which the document relates before the end of the specified period;

(b)leaves the document at the Authority’s published address before the end of the specified period, and obtains a time stamped receipt;

(c)posts the document to the Authority’s published address before the final day of the specified period;

(d)sends the document to the Authority by fax before the end of the specified period, provided that the sender has also sent or subsequently sends a copy of that document in accordance with sub-paragraph (2); or

(e)sends the document to the Authority by other electronic means of communication before the end of the specified period, and obtains electronic confirmation of receipt.

(2) The sender may give a relevant document to the Authority by fax only if by the end of the business day following the day on which the sender did so, the sender sends a copy of that document to the Authority by any method other than fax.

(3) For the purposes of this paragraph—

(a)“post” means—

(i)where the sender is located in the United Kingdom, sending that document pre-paid by a postal service which seeks to deliver documents by post within the United Kingdom no later than the next working day in all or the majority of cases, and

(ii)where the sender is located outside the United Kingdom, sending that document pre-paid by a postal service which seeks to deliver documents by post in the fastest time which is reasonable in the circumstances;

(b)“applicable direction” means any direction given by the Authority under these Regulations which specifies the manner in which the relevant document in question is to be given.

Electronic service on the Authority

8.  Where a relevant document which is to be given to the Authority is given by fax or other electronic means it must be sent to a fax number, email address or other electronic identification—

(a)which has been notified to the sender by the Authority as the appropriate number, address or other electronic identification for the purpose of receiving relevant documents of the kind in question, or

(b)in all other cases, which has been published by the Authority for the purpose of receiving relevant documents.


2000 c. 12; section 8 was amended by paragraph 4 of Schedule 3 to the Limited Liability Partnerships (Application of Companies Act 2006) Regulations 2009 (S.I. 2009/1804).