Lifting equipment1

The collapse, overturning or failure of any load-bearing part of any lifting equipment, other than an accessory for lifting.

Pressure systems2

The failure of any closed vessel or of any associated pipework (other than a pipeline) forming part of a pressure system as defined by regulation 2(1) of the Pressure Systems Safety Regulations 200040, where that failure could cause the death of any person.

Overhead electric lines3

Any plant or equipment unintentionally coming into—


contact with an uninsulated overhead electric line in which the voltage exceeds 200 volts; or


close proximity with such an electric line, such that it causes an electrical discharge.

Electrical incidents causing explosion or fire4

Any explosion or fire caused by an electrical short circuit or overload (including those resulting from accidental damage to the electrical plant) which either—


results in the stoppage of the plant involved for more than 24 hours; or


causes a significant risk of death.



Any unintentional—


fire, explosion or ignition at a site where the manufacture or storage of explosives requires a licence or registration, as the case may be, under regulation 9, 10 or 11 of the Manufacture and Storage of Explosives Regulations 2005; or


explosion or ignition of explosives (unless caused by the unintentional discharge of a weapon, where, apart from that unintentional discharge, the weapon and explosives functioned as they were designed to),

except where a fail-safe device or safe system of work prevented any person being endangered as a result of the fire, explosion or ignition.


The misfire of explosives (other than at a mine or quarry, inside a well or involving a weapon) except where a fail-safe device or safe system of work prevented any person being endangered as a result of the misfire.


Any explosion, discharge or intentional fire or ignition which causes any injury to a person requiring first-aid or medical treatment, other than at a mine or quarry.



The projection of material beyond the boundary of the site on which the explosives are being used, or beyond the danger zone of the site, which caused or might have caused injury, except at a quarry.


In this paragraph, “danger zone” means the area from which persons have been excluded or forbidden to enter to avoid being endangered by any explosion or ignition of explosives.


The failure of shots to cause the intended extent of collapse or direction of fall of a structure in any demolition operation.

Biological agents10

Any accident or incident which results or could have resulted in the release or escape of a biological agent likely to cause severe human infection or illness.

Radiation generators and radiography11


The malfunction of—


a radiation generator or its ancillary equipment used in fixed or mobile industrial radiography, the irradiation of food or the processing of products by irradiation, which causes it to fail to de-energise at the end of the intended exposure period; or


equipment used in fixed or mobile industrial radiography or gamma irradiation, which causes a radioactive source to fail to return to its safe position by the normal means at the end of the intended exposure period.


In this paragraph, “radiation generator” means any electrical equipment emitting ionising radiation and containing components operating at a potential difference of more than 5kV.

Breathing apparatus12

The malfunction of breathing apparatus—


where the malfunction causes a significant risk of personal injury to the user; or


during testing immediately prior to use, where the malfunction would have caused a significant risk to the health and safety of the user had it occurred during use,

other than at a mine.

Diving operations


The failure, damaging or endangering of—


any life support equipment, including control panels, hoses and breathing apparatus; or


the dive platform, or any failure of the dive platform to remain on station,

which causes a significant risk of personal injury to a diver.


The failure or endangering of any lifting equipment associated with a diving operation.


The trapping of a diver.


Any explosion in the vicinity of a diver.


Any uncontrolled ascent or any omitted decompression which causes a significant risk of personal injury to a diver.

Collapse of scaffolding18

The complete or partial collapse (including falling, buckling or overturning) of—


a substantial part of any scaffold more than 5 metres in height;


any supporting part of any slung or suspended scaffold which causes a working platform to fall (whether or not in use); or


any part of any scaffold in circumstances such that there would be a significant risk of drowning to a person falling from the scaffold.

Train collisions19

The collision of a train with any other train or vehicle, other than a collision reportable under Part 5 of this Schedule, which could have caused the death, or specified injury, of any person.


In relation to a well (other than a well sunk for the purpose of the abstraction of water)—


a blow-out (which includes any uncontrolled flow of well-fluids from a well);


the coming into operation of a blow-out prevention or diversion system to control flow of well-fluids where normal control procedures fail;


the detection of hydrogen sulphide at a well or in samples of well-fluids where the responsible person did not anticipate its presence in the reservoir drawn on by the well;


the taking of precautionary measures additional to any contained in the original drilling programme where a planned minimum separation distance between adjacent wells was not maintained; or


the mechanical failure of any part of a well whose purpose is to prevent or limit the effect of the unintentional release of fluids from a well or a reservoir being drawn on by a well, or whose failure would cause or contribute to such a release.

Pipelines or pipeline works


In relation to a pipeline or pipeline works—


any damage to, accidental or uncontrolled release from or inrush of anything into a pipeline;


the failure of any pipeline isolation device, associated equipment or system; or


the failure of equipment involved with pipeline works,

which could cause personal injury to any person, or which results in the pipeline being shut down for more than 24 hours.


The unintentional change in position of a pipeline, or in the subsoil or seabed in the vicinity, which requires immediate attention to safeguard the pipeline’s integrity or safety.