The Electricity (Competitive Tenders for Offshore Transmission Licences) Regulations 2013

Regulation 24


1.  The events in this Schedule are–

(a)the Authority determines that there are no bidders or qualifying bidders in respect of a qualifying project;

(b)a developer has been disqualified from a tender exercise in accordance with regulation 26(1);

(c)a developer fails to make a payment or provide security in accordance with regulation 30(3);

(d)a developer fails to meet the requirements specified in paragraph 2(c) or (d) of Schedule 1 pursuant to the provisions specified in paragraph 3 of Schedule 1;

(e)a developer fails to meet the entry conditions specified in paragraph 1 or 2 of Schedule 2, as the case may be, in accordance with regulation 10;

(f)a developer does not agree the variation to the bilateral agreement with the holder of a co-ordination licence in order that the preferred bidder has in place a valid bilateral agreement;

(g)a developer terminates its bilateral agreement with the holder of a co-ordination licence;

(h)a developer withdraws its qualifying project from a tender exercise for any reason;

(i)a developer wishes to change its request made to the Authority in accordance with regulation 8(2).