
SCHEDULE 3Classification and supply, wholesale dealers and sheep dip

PART 1Classification and supply of authorised veterinary medicinal products

Supply by a suitably qualified person

14.—(1) The Secretary of State may recognise bodies that are suitable to maintain a register for suitably qualified persons to prescribe and supply veterinary medicinal products classified as POM-VPS and NFA-VPS.

(2) In order to recognise such a body, the Secretary of State must be satisfied that the body—

(a)has in place a system for ensuring that persons applying for registration have adequate training to act as a suitably qualified person under these Regulations;

(b)has adequate standards in deciding whether or not to register someone as a suitably qualified person;

(c)maintains a programme of continuing professional development for persons registered with it;

(d)operates an adequate appeal system if it intends to refuse to register anyone with appropriate qualifications or to remove anyone from the register.

(3) For the purposes of these Regulations, a suitably qualified person is a person who has passed examinations specified by such a body, and is registered with such a body as a suitably qualified person.

(4) A suitably qualified person may only supply a veterinary medicinal product classified as POM-VPS, NFA-VPS or AVM-GSL, and may only supply it from—

(a)premises approved by the Secretary of State as being suitable for the storage and supply of veterinary medicinal products by a suitably qualified person;

(b)premises registered as a pharmacy with the General Pharmaceutical Council or with the Pharmaceutical Society of Northern Ireland; or

(c)practice premises registered under these Regulations as being premises from which a veterinary surgeon supplies veterinary medicinal products.

(5) A suitably qualified person who supplies a product classified as POM-VPS or NFA-VPS must either—

(a)hand over or despatch the product personally;

(b)ensure that, when the product is handed over or despatched, the suitably qualified person is in a position to intervene if necessary; or

(c)check the product after it has been allocated for supply to a customer, and be satisfied that the person handing over or dispatching it is competent to do so.

(6) A suitably qualified person supplying products from premises approved under this regulation by the Secretary of State who considers that the premises no longer comply with the approval must notify the Secretary of State without unreasonable delay.

(7) The Secretary of State may issue a Code of Practice for suitably qualified persons, and a body recognised under this paragraph must take appropriate action in accordance with any disciplinary code that applies to that body if a suitably qualified person registered with it does not comply with the Code of Practice.

(8) The Secretary of State must publish a list of—

(a)suitably qualified persons; and

(b)the trading names and the addresses of premises approved under this paragraph(1).

(9) A suitably qualified person may break open any package (other than the immediate packaging) of a veterinary medicinal product.

(10) The Secretary of State may suspend or revoke the approval of approved premises on being satisfied that they are no longer suitable for the storage and supply of veterinary medicinal products.