PART 1Membership, contributions and benefits

Ill-health retirement

Early payment of retirement pension on ill-health grounds: active members

35.—(1) An active member who has qualifying service for a period of two years and whose employment is terminated by a Scheme employer on the grounds of ill-health or infirmity of mind or body before that member reaches normal pension age, is entitled to, and must take, early payment of a retirement pension if that member satisfies the conditions in paragraphs (3) and (4) of this regulation.

(2) The amount of the retirement pension that a member who satisfies the conditions mentioned in paragraph (1) receives, is determined by which of the benefit tiers specified in paragraphs (5) to (7) that member qualifies for, calculated in accordance with regulation 39 (calculation of ill-health pension amounts).

(3) The first condition is that the member is, as a result of ill-health or infirmity of mind or body, permanently incapable of discharging efficiently the duties of the employment the member was engaged in.

(4) The second condition is that the member, as a result of ill-health or infirmity of mind or body, is not immediately capable of undertaking any gainful employment.

(5) A member is entitled to Tier 1 benefits if that member is unlikely to be capable of undertaking gainful employment before normal pension age.

(6) A member is entitled to Tier 2 benefits if that member—

(a)is not entitled to Tier 1 benefits; and

(b)is unlikely to be capable of undertaking any gainful employment within three years of leaving the employment; but

(c)is likely to be able to undertake gainful employment before reaching normal pension age.

(7) Subject to regulation 37 (special provision in respect of members receiving Tier 3 benefits), if the member is likely to be capable of undertaking gainful employment within three years of leaving the employment, or before normal pension age if earlier, that member is entitled to Tier 3 benefits for so long as the member is not in gainful employment, up to a maximum of three years from the date the member left the employment.