Port boundaryU.K.

2.—(1) For the purposes of the definition of “port” in regulation 2 of the Port Security Regulations 2009 M1, the boundary of the Port of Tyne is defined as follows.

(2) The boundary is generally shown by the inner edge of the red line on the plan in Part 1 of Schedule 1.

(3) The upper limit of the red line crosses the water along the seaward edge of Tyne Bridge.

(4) As to the parts of the boundary included in the rectangles marked “1”, “2”, “3”, “4”, “5”, “6”, “7”, “8”, “9”, “10”, “10a”, “10b”, “11” and “12” on the plan in Part 1 of Schedule 1, the boundary is more particularly shown by the inner edges of the red lines on each of the corresponding inset plans, in Part 2 of Schedule 1, headed respectively “Inset Plan 1”, “Inset Plan 2”, “Inset Plan 3”, “Inset Plan 4”, “Inset Plan 5”, “Inset Plan 6”, “Inset Plan 7”, “Inset Plan 8”, “Inset Plan 9”, “Inset Plan 10”, “Inset Plan 10a”, “Inset Plan 10b”, “Inset Plan 11” and “Inset Plan 12”.

(5) On Inset Plan 11—

(a)the part of the boundary marked “A” is more particularly shown by the inner edges of the red lines on the corresponding inset plan, in Part 2 of Schedule 1, headed “Inset Plan 11A”; and

(b)the jetty marked “B” is outside the boundary.

(6) Where the red line runs along a beach or foreshore, the boundary runs along the edge of the land on that beach or foreshore which is below the level of mean high water springs.

(7) The seaward limit of the boundary is more particularly described in paragraphs (8) to (19).

(8) The point marked “A” on the plan in Part 1 of Schedule 1 (“point A”) is where an arc of one mile radius from the point marked “I” on that plan (the lighthouse on the roundhead of the north pier) (“point I”) intersects with the line of mean high water springs.

(9) The line from point A to the point marked “B” on that plan (“point B”) follows that arc clockwise.

(10) Point B is where that arc intersects with a line drawn on a bearing of 062� (True) from point I.

(11) The line from point B to the point marked “C” on that plan (“point C”) follows that bearing.

(12) Point C is where the line drawn on that bearing intersects with an arc of three miles' radius from point I.

(13) The line from point C to the point marked “D” on that plan (“point D”) follows that arc clockwise.

(14) Point D is where that arc intersects with an arc of three miles' radius from the point marked “H” on that plan (the lighthouse on the roundhead of the south pier) (“point H”).

(15) The line from point D to the point marked “E” on that plan (“point E”) follows that arc clockwise.

(16) Point E is where that arc intersects with a line drawn on a bearing of 108� (True) from point H.

(17) The point marked “F” on that plan (“point F”) is where that line intersects with an arc of one mile radius from point H.

(18) The line from point F to the point marked “G” on that plan (“point G”) follows that arc clockwise.

(19) Point G is where that arc intersects with the line of mean high water springs.

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