Particular needs or circumstances - childcare costs

F1Charges attributable to an assessment period34A


Charges paid for relevant childcare are attributable to an assessment period where—


those charges are paid in that assessment period for relevant childcare in respect of that assessment period; or


those charges are paid in that assessment period for relevant childcare in respect of a previous assessment period;or


those charges were paid in either of the two previous assessment periods for relevant childcare in respect of that assessment period.


For the purposes of paragraph (1)(c), where a claimant pays charges for relevant childcare in advance, the amount which they have paid in respect of any assessment period is to be calculated as follows: Step 1 Take the total amount of the advance payment (leaving out of account any amount referred to in regulation 34(2)). Step 2 Apply the formula—


PA is the amount resulting from step 1;

D is the total number of days covered by the payment referred to in step 1, and

AP is the number of days covered by the payment which also fall within the assessment period in question.


In this regulation, a reference to an assessment period in which charges are paid, or in respect of which charges are paid, includes any month preceding the commencement of the award that begins on the same day as each assessment period in relation to a claimant's current award.