site preparation works, including site clearance (including fencing, vegetation removal, demolition of existing structures and the creation of alternative footpaths); earthworks (including soil stripping and storage, site levelling, spoil screening / storage for re-use on site); provision of spoil retaining structures; deep excavations; provision and relocation of drainage infrastructure (including culverts, outfalls, balancing ponds);
establishment of site construction compounds, temporary vehicle parking, construction hoardings, perimeter enclosure, security fencing, construction related buildings, structures, plant, machinery (including concrete batching), cranes, concrete silos, construction lighting and internal haulage routes;
further to works listed at 1(a), earthworks, including spoil bunds and ground terracing to formation levels, utilities trenches, service tunnels and associated access points and surface and foul water drainage system;
a nuclear reactor unit (unit 1), associated balance of plant, below ground services, ancillary buildings including—
buildings, structures and plant housing ‘Nuclear Island’ for Unit 1, including—
Reactor Building;
Fuel Building;
Nuclear Auxiliary Building;
Access Tower;
Fuel Building;
Boron Storage;
Radioactive Waste Storage Building;
Radioactive Waste Process Building;
Hot Laundry;
Hot Workshop, Hot Warehouse, Facilities for Decontamination;
Effluent Tanks; and
Emergency Diesel Generator Buildings;
buildings, structures and plant housing ‘Conventional Island’ for Unit 1, including—
Turbine Hall and Sky Bridges;
Non-Classified Electrical Building;
Gas Insulated Switch Gear;
Main Transformer;
Unit Transformer;
Auxiliary Transformer;
Hydrazine and Ammonia Storage; and
Auxiliary Feedwater Storage;
buildings, structures and plant housing ‘Cooling Water Pumphouse and Associated Buildings’ for Unit 1, including—
Cooling Water Pumphouse;
Outfall Pond (Surge Chamber);
Filtering Debris Recovery Pit, including associated fish return system infrastructure;
Fire-Fighting Water Building;
a nuclear reactor unit (unit 2), associated balance of plant, below ground services, ancillary buildings including—
buildings, structures and plant housing ‘Nuclear Island’ for Unit 2, including—
Reactor building;
Fuel building;
Nuclear Auxiliary Building;
Access Tower;
Fuel Building;
Boron Storage;
Radioactive Waste Treatment Building;
Hot Laundry;
Hot Workshop, Hot Warehouse, Facilities for Decontamination;
Effluent Tanks;
Emergency Diesel Generator Buildings;
buildings, structures and plant housing ‘Conventional Island’ for Unit 2, including—
Turbine Hall;
Non-Classified Electrical Building;
Gas Insulated Switch Gear;
Main Transformer;
Unit Transformer;
Auxiliary Transformer;
Hydrazine and Ammonia Storage; and
Auxiliary Feedwater Storage;
buildings, structures and plant housing ‘Cooling Water Pumphouse and Associated Buildings’ for Unit 2, including—
buildings, structures and plant housing ‘Remaining Balance of Plant’ and other plant, including—
Attenuation Pond;
Demineralisation Station;
Auxiliary Boilers;
Hydrogen Storage;
Oxygen Storage;
Chemical Products Storage;
Sewage Treatment Plant;
Conventional Island Water Tanks; and
Nuclear Island Water Tank;
buildings, structures and plant housing ‘Fuel and Waste Storage’ including—
Interim Spent Fuel Store;
Access Control Building; and
Intermediate Level Waste Interim Storage Facility;
ancillary and supporting buildings, structures and plant including—
Operational Service Centre;
Main Control and Access Building;
Entry Relay Building;
Auxiliary Administration Centre;
Medical Centre;
EDF Site Offices;
Meteorological Station;
Meteorological Mast;
Garage for Handling Facilities;
Oil and Grease Storage and Oil Ancillary Building;
Areva Warehouse;
Raw Water and Potable Water Supply;
Outage Access Control Building;
Contaminated Tools Store (2 structures);
Conventional Waste Storage;
Transit Area for Very Low Level Waste and Low Level Waste;
Vehicle search area building adjacent to the C182; and
Service Access Buildings;
buildings and structures housing—
National Grid Substation and associated buildings and plant;
transmission towers (pylons) and associated overhead line transmission infrastructure to provide connection to the National Grid Substation (Work No. 1A(j));
landscape works, comprising temporary and permanent works, external lighting, footpaths, maintenance buildings and car parking;
site access points, internal access roads, internal rail track, hardstanding and vehicle, motorcycle and bicycle parking areas, helipad, access roundabout;
perimeter and internal fencing, signage, secured entrance, security buildings, CCTV poles, gates, barriers and bollards;
establishment and maintenance of a sea walls and associated coastal defences, including foreshore rock armour revetments; and
an emergency access road, including junction to existing highway, and Bridge over Bum Brook.