Article 2
A nationally significant infrastructure project as defined in sections 14(1)(a) and 15 of the 2008 Act comprising:
Work No. 1 An electricity generating station with a nominal gross electrical output capacity of 65 MWe fuelled by waste and including—
three waste processing streams each comprising a reciprocating grate, furnace, boiler and associated air pollution control system;
transformer compound;
an administration building;
a tipping hall;
refuse bunkering;
a flue gas treatment facility;
flues or stack;
turbines and turbine hall;
air cooled condensers;
a facility to enable steam pass-outs and/or hot water pass-outs; and
a visitor centre/education facility; and
associated development within the meaning of section 115(2) of the Act comprising—
Work No. 2 A post-combustion materials recovery facility for the purpose of treating incinerator bottom ash produced by the electricity generating station comprised in Work No. 1 and including—
a screened ash/aggregate yard;
buildings housing apparatus and necessary plant for separation of co-mingled metals from incinerator bottom ash and grading of such ash;
a separation lagoon;
an administration building;
a weigh bridge; and
a foul water pump house;
Work No. 3 A drainage channel to be constructed on an east - west alignment linking with a drainage channel to be constructed pursuant to a review of old minerals permissions bearing statutory reference number BC/CM/2000/08;
Work No. 4 An extension to the attenuation pond to be constructed pursuant to a review of old minerals permissions bearing statutory reference number BC/CM/2000/08;
Work No. 5A A new access road commencing at the north-east corner of Work No. 2 and running in a Northerly direction to a new junction with Green Lane, Stewartby;
Work No. 5B A new access road commencing at the north-west corner of Work No. 1 and running in a Northerly direction to a junction with Work No. 5A;
Work No. 6A A grid connection consisting of one or more cables laid in a trench commencing at a point on the Northern side of Work No. 1 and running in a Northerly direction to the vicinity of the new junction with Green Lane created as part of Work No. 5A;
Work No. 6B A grid connection consisting of one or more cables laid beneath the Marston Vale Railway Line and connecting with Works No. 6A and 6C;
Work No. 6C A grid connection consisting of one or more cables connecting Work No. 6B to Work No. 6D at a point on Green Lane in the vicinity of the existing access to Stewartby Water Sports Club;
Work No. 6D A grid connection consisting of one or more cables laid in a trench on Green Lane Stewartby and connecting Work No. 6C to Works No. 6E and 6G at a point at the junction of Green Lane and Copart Access Road, Marston Moretaine;
Work No. 6E A grid connection consisting of one or more cables laid in a trench from the junction of Green Lane and the Copart Access Road, Marston Moretaine to the junction of the Copart Access Road and the C94;
Work No. 6F A grid connection laid consisting of one or more cables connecting Work No. 6E to the proposed Marston Grid Substation west of the A421 Trunk Road in Marston Moretaine;
Work No. 6G A grid connection consisting of one or more cables laid in a trench from the junction of Green Lane and the Copart Access Road, Marston Moretaine to the existing Marston Road Primary Substation;
Work No. 6H A grid connection consisting of one or more cables laid in a trench from the junction of Works No. 6F and 6E to the existing Marston Road Primary Substation;
Work No. 7A A work for the improvement of the entrance to the Marston Vale Millennium Country Park to the West of the Green Lane Level Crossing;
Work No. 7B A work for the creation of new site access works, including new footways to the East of Green Lane Level Crossing;
Work No. 7C A work comprising a footway and cycleway link crossing the new access road comprised in Work No. 5A and linking Green Lane and the circular path passing around Rookery North Pit to be constructed pursuant to a review of old minerals permissions bearing statutory reference number BC/CM/2000/08;
Work No. 8A An improvement to Green Lane comprising the improvement of the carriageway and footway including the provision of facilities for cyclists West of Green Lane Level Crossing;
Work No. 8B An improvement to Green Lane comprising the improvement of the carriageway and footway including the provision of facilities for cyclists East of Green Lane Level Crossing; and
Work No. 9 An improvement to Green Lane Level Crossing including a widening of the carriageway, alterations to footways and the installation of full barriers and associated improvements to Green Lane, Stewartby;
and in connection with such works and to the extent that they do not otherwise form part of any such work, further associated development shown on the plans referred to in the requirements including—
weighbridges and security gatehouses;
internal site roads and vehicle parking facilities;
workshops and stores;
bunds, embankments, swales, landscaping and boundary treatments;
pipes for steam pass outs and/or hot water pass outs within the Order limits;
habitat creation;
the provision of footpaths, cycleways and footpath linkages;
water supply works, foul drainage provision, surface water management systems and culverting; and
whether or not shown on the plans referred to in the requirements, the demolition of all or part of the redundant conveyor structure within the Order limits.
In this Part of this Schedule—
“the approved development plans” mean the plans submitted with the application on 4 August 2010 or later and listed at requirement 6;
“by-products” includes incinerator bottom ash aggregate and ferrous and non-ferrous metal compounds;
“commercially operate” means operate the authorised development for commercial processing of waste and production of electricity for transmission to the national electricity grid following completion of hot commissioning and “commercial operation” and “commercially operated” shall be construed accordingly;
“heavy goods vehicle” means—
a heavy goods vehicle of 7.5 tonnes gross vehicle weight or more; and
any other vehicle designed for the transport of waste including refuse collection vehicles;
“low level restoration scheme” means the scheme for the restoration of Rookery North and Rookery South Pits which has been developed as a part of the review of old minerals permissions application which was submitted to Bedford Borough Council and Central Bedfordshire Council on 5 June 2009 and bears statutory reference number BC/CM/2000/08.
1. The authorised development may commence no later than the expiration of 5 years beginning with the date that this Order comes into force.
2. The waste permitted to be incinerated in Work No. 1 must be limited to waste categorised as residual municipal waste and residual commercial and industrial waste and materials derived therefrom.
3. Notice of commencement of the authorised development must be given to the relevant planning authorities within 7 days beginning with the date that the authorised development is commenced.
4. Notice of commencement of—
(a)incineration at the authorised development, and
(b)commercial operation of the authorised development,
must be given to the relevant planning authorities within 7 days beginning with the date that incineration commences and the authorised development is first commercially operated respectively.
5. Except where the authorised development is carried out in accordance with the plans listed in requirement 6, no authorised development may commence until details of the layout, scale and external appearance of Works No. 1, 2, 5A, 5B, 7A, 7B and 9 comprised in the authorised development so far as they do not accord with the approved development plans have been submitted to and approved by the relevant planning authorities. The authorised development must be carried out in accordance with the approved details.
6.—(1) The authorised development must be carried out in accordance with the approved development plans bearing references 2.1 to 2.4 and 2.11 to 2.35 and strategies listed in this requirement (unless otherwise approved in writing by the relevant planning authorities and the altered development accords with the principles of the design and access statement and falls within the Order limits)—
Application Site Plan/the Order limits plan (drawing number: 2807LO/Order/007) (application document reference 2.1)
Works Plan: Key Plan (drawing number 2807LO/Order/001) (application document reference 2.2)
Works Plan: 1 of 2 (drawing number 2807LO/Order/001.1) (application document reference 2.3)
Works Plan: 2 of 2 (drawing number 2807LO/Order/001.2) (application document reference 2.4)
The rights of way plan (drawing number: 3052LO/SK010) (application document reference 2.11 Rev A)
EfW Facility South Elevation (drawing number: B3250-P1100) (application document reference 2.12)
EfW Facility North Elevation (drawing number: B3250-P1101) (application document reference 2.13)
EfW Facility East Elevation (drawing number: B3250-P1103) (application document reference 2.14)
EfW Facility West Elevation (drawing number: B3250-P1103) (application document reference 2.15)
EfW Facility East Sectional Elevation (drawing number: B3250-P1104) (application document reference 2.16)
EfW Facility West Sectional Elevation (drawing number: B3250-P1105) (application document reference 2.17)
Secondary Buildings Elevations - MRF (drawing number: B3250-P1106) (application document reference 2.18)
RRF Tertiary Buildings Elevations (drawing number: B3250-P1107) (application document reference 2.19)
RRF North and South Elevations (drawing number: B3250-P1300) (application document reference 2.20)
RRF East and West Elevations (drawing number: B3250-P1301) (application document reference 2.21)
RRF Site Section (drawing number: B3250-P1302) (application document reference 2.22)
RRF Boundary Details (drawing number: B3250-P1310) (application document reference 2.23)
RRF Elevation & Section Key Plan (drawing number: B3250-P1320) (application document reference 2.24)
RRF Roof Plan (drawing number: B3250-P1330) (application document reference 2.25)
Proposed access road existing footpath width at level crossing (drawing number: 210010_18) (application document reference 2.26)
Proposed access road with proposed 2.5m, footpath at level crossing (drawing number: 210010_20) (application document reference 2.27)
Proposed access to The Rookery Resource Facility Proposed cross section (drawing number: 210010_19) (application document reference 2.28)
Level Crossing (drawing number: RX_DR_GL_LC_03) (application document reference 2.29)
Lighting Layout & Strategy Operational Area (drawing number: 9V3657-7003) (application document reference 2.30)
Landscape Strategy & Key Plan (drawing number: 2807LO/PA002RevB) (application document reference 2.31B)
Operational Area Masterplan and Green Lane Country Park & RRF Entrance (drawing number: 2807LO/PA/007) (application document reference 2.32)
Planting Strategy - Wider Site (drawing number: 2807LO/PA/004_RevB) (application document reference 2.33B)
Planting Strategy: Operations Area and Indicative Scheme Layout for Green Lane Country Park & RRF Entrance (drawing number: 2807LO/PA/005RevA) (application document reference 2.34A)
Trees to be removed/retained (drawing number: 2897LO/PA/008) (application document reference 2.35)
Surface Water Drainage Strategy (drawing number 21780/076/002 Rev B)
Foul Water Drainage Strategy (drawing numbers 21780/077/001 Rev C and 21780/077/002 Rev D).
(2) Where any alternative details are approved pursuant to this requirement and requirements 5 or 30, those details are to be deemed to be substituted for the corresponding approved details set out in this requirement.
7.—(1) No part of the authorised development may commence until─
(a)a pre-construction stage consultation with the Building Research Establishment (BRE) (in accordance with the BRE’s requirements for such consultation) has been carried out; and
(b)proposals identifying the range of options to achieve the BRE Environmental Assessment Methodology (BREEAM) rating specified in the consultation response, which must in any event (and in the absence of a consultation response) be of no less a standard than “good” have been submitted to and approved in writing by Central Bedfordshire Council.
(2) The authorised development must be carried out in accordance with the details approved pursuant to requirement 7(1). Any variation of the BREEAM rating must be agreed with BRE and submitted to Central Bedfordshire Council for approval in writing.
8.—(1) No part of the authorised development may commence until a detailed landscaping scheme and associated working programme (which accords with the landscape strategy submitted with the application) has been submitted to and approved in writing by the relevant planning authorities.
(2) The landscaping scheme must include details of—
(a)the location, number, species, size and planting density of proposed planting;
(b)the retention of existing vegetation along the route of Work No. 5A specified in that scheme;
(c)a planting design in the vicinity of the attenuation pond and site access proposals within the Order land;
(d)any importation of materials and other operations to ensure plant establishment;
(e)proposed finished ground levels;
(f)planting and hard landscaping within the operational areas of the authorised development and the vehicular and pedestrian access, parking and circulation areas;
(g)the green wall and brown roofs to be constructed as part of the authorised development, including the method of construction, plant types, sizing and spacing, and the measures proposed for maintenance of those walls and roofs;
(h)minor structures such as signage, refuse or other units, and furniture;
(i)signage and cycle parking facilities at the site access on Green Lane;
(j)proposed and existing functional services above and below ground, including power and communications cables and pipelines, manholes and supports;
(k)the specified standard to which the works will be undertaken; and
(l)a timetable for the implementation of all hard and soft landscaping works.
9.—(1) All landscaping works must be carried out in accordance with the detailed landscaping scheme approved under requirement 8 and to the specified standard in accordance with the relevant recommendations of appropriate British Standards or other recognised codes of good practice.
(2) Any tree or shrub planted as part of the detailed landscaping scheme approved under requirement 8 that, within a period of 5 years after planting, is removed, dies or becomes, in the opinion of the relevant planning authority, seriously damaged or diseased, must be replaced in the first available planting season with a specimen of the same species and size as that originally planted, unless otherwise approved by the relevant planning authority.
(3) The green wall that is part of the landscaping scheme approved under requirement 8(1) must be maintained in accordance with the approved landscaping scheme following its installation for the duration of the period of commercial operation of the authorised development.
10.—(1) The highway works comprised in Works No. 8A and 8B to Green Lane, including the two pedestrian crossings and the footway running parallel to and south of Green Lane and the first 10 metres chainage of the access road comprised in Work No. 5A from its junction with Green Lane (including the pedestrian crossing that forms part of the junction in those Works), must be completed prior to the commencement of Works No. 1 and 2.
(2) The access road comprised in Work No. 5A (including the pedestrian crossing that forms part of the junction in those Works) must be constructed to base course for a minimum distance of 100 metres chainage from the section of the access road that has been completed in accordance with requirement 10(1) prior to the commencement of Works No. 1 and 2. The access road must be laid out in accordance with the approved access plans. The remainder of the route of the access road must be surfaced with crushed stone or other temporary materials appropriate for the purposes of constructing the authorised development.
(3) The works comprised in Works No. 5A and 5B must be substantially completed to the standard specified in the Design Manual for Roads and Bridges and in accordance with the approved access plans (application document references 2.26 and 2.28) set out in requirement 6(1) as certified by an appropriate certifying professional prior to incineration of waste in Work No. 1.
(4) The commencement of Work No. 1 must not take place until a scheme to provide wheel cleaning facilities for heavy goods vehicles and provision for road cleaning in relation to construction of the authorised development has been submitted to and approved in writing by Central Bedfordshire Council. The scheme must include details of the measures and location for the wheel cleaning facilities and details of how cleaning of the highway will be secured so as to remove mud and other debris that may be carried on to it from the authorised development.
11.—(1) No part of the authorised development may commence until details of all proposed permanent fences, walls or other means of enclosure according with boundary details shown on drawing B3250-P1310 (application document reference no. 2.23) including the acoustic fence adjacent to the ramp serving the tipping hall comprised in Work No. 1 have been submitted to and approved in writing by Central Bedfordshire Council.
(2) All construction sites must remain securely fenced at all times during construction of the authorised development.
(3) All temporary fencing must be removed on completion of the authorised development.
(4) All perimeter fences, walls or other means of site perimeter enclosure for the authorised development approved in accordance with paragraph (1) must be completed prior to commencement of commercial operation in accordance with the approved details.
12.—(1) Except where the authorised development is constructed in accordance with the approved drainage strategies, details of the surface and foul water drainage system (including means of pollution control and information demonstrating compliance with the best practice for sustainable drainage schemes) must be submitted to and approved in writing by Central Bedfordshire Council. Unless otherwise agreed in writing by Central Bedfordshire Council, such details must accord with the principles of the drainage strategy submitted with the application, making provision for the construction of Work No. 3, and must be implemented in accordance with the approved details.
(2) The drainage strategy must provide that all drains provided as part of the authorised development must, where necessary and appropriate, contain trap gullies or interceptors.
13.—(1) No part of the authorised development may commence until a written scheme to deal with land stability has been submitted to and approved in writing by Central Bedfordshire Council.
(2) The scheme must include an investigation and assessment report, prepared by a specialist consultant approved by Central Bedfordshire Council, to identify the extent of any land stability matters, and the remedial measures to be taken to render the land fit for its intended purpose.
(3) Land stabilisation must be carried out in accordance with the approved scheme unless otherwise agreed in writing by Central Bedfordshire Council.
14.—(1) No part of the authorised development may commence until a scheme to deal with the contamination of any land, including groundwater, which is likely to cause significant harm to persons or pollution of controlled waters or the environment has been submitted to and approved in writing by Central Bedfordshire Council.
(2) The scheme must include an investigation and assessment report, prepared by a specialist consultant approved by Central Bedfordshire Council, to identify the extent of any contamination and the remedial measures to be taken to render the land fit for its intended purpose, together with a management plan which sets out long-term measures with respect to any contaminants remaining on the site.
(3) Remediation must be carried out in accordance with the approved scheme unless otherwise agreed in writing by Central Bedfordshire Council.
15.—(1) No part of the authorised development may commence until a written scheme of archaeological investigation has been submitted to and approved in writing by the relevant planning authorities.
(2) The archaeological investigation must be carried out in accordance with the approved scheme unless otherwise agreed in writing by the relevant planning authorities.
16. All construction works must be undertaken in accordance with the code of construction practice unless otherwise agreed in writing by the relevant planning authorities.
17. During construction the daytime free field noise level as a result of the construction of the authorised development at any residential location must not exceed 55 dB LAeq, 1 hour unless otherwise agreed in writing by Central Bedfordshire Council.
18.—(1) Except in case of an emergency, or with the prior written agreement of Central Bedfordshire Council, the Rating Level as defined in BS4142:1997 of the noise emitted from the operation of the authorised development must not exceed the free field noise levels listed in the following table—
Location | Daytime (0700-2300) dB L Aeq 1 hour | Night-time (2300-0700) dB L Aeq 5 minutes |
Stewartby Way, Stewartby | 35 | 35 |
South Pillinge Farm | 39 | 35 |
Pillinge Farm Cottages | 35 | 35 |
(2) Compliance with these limits must be demonstrated by noise measurements at locations closer to the Order limits selected to allow measurement of noise from the authorised development to be made without significant influence of noise from other sources. Noise levels must be calculated for these locations in accordance with the propagation methodology in ISO 9613 and agreed with the relevant planning authorities.
19.—(1) No part of the authorised development may commence until a written scheme providing for the monitoring of noise generated during the construction and operation of the authorised development has been submitted to and approved in writing by Central Bedfordshire Council.
(2) The scheme must specify the locations at which noise will be monitored and the method of noise measurement (which must be in accord with BS 4142, an equivalent successor standard or other agreed noise measurement methodology appropriate to the circumstances).
(3) The scheme must be implemented to establish baseline noise conditions.
(4) This monitoring programme must be subject to periodic reviews to establish the frequency of noise monitoring and the need for continued monitoring.
(5) Throughout the operational lifetime of the development the monitoring programme must be reviewed following any change in plant, equipment or working practices likely to affect noise conditions and any such change shall be notified in writing to Central Bedfordshire Council; or following a written request by Central Bedfordshire Council in relation to a noise related complaint.
(6) Such review must be submitted to Central Bedfordshire Council for its written approval within 4 weeks of the notification or request.
20.—(1) In any case where the noise levels specified in requirement 18 or otherwise agreed in writing for monitoring locations is exceeded because of an emergency, the undertaker must notify Central Bedfordshire Council in writing of the nature of the emergency within 2 working days, the reasons for exceeding the noise limit and its expected duration.
(2) If the period of excess noise is expected to last for more than 24 hours then the undertaker must inform any community liaison panel or any other consultative body established as a result of the authorised development, the relevant planning authorities and adjoining occupiers or land users.
(3) Notification of the excess, the reasons for it and its expected duration must also be posted on the undertaker’s internet web site.
21. Except in an emergency, the undertaker must give at least three working days’ written notice to Central Bedfordshire Council of any proposed operation of emergency pressure valves or similar equipment. Where steam purging is to take place, the undertaker must give 3 working days’ prior written notice to local residents and businesses by informing any community liaison panel or any other consultative body established in respect of the authorised development as well as the relevant planning authorities. Notification of the incident, the reasons for it and its expected duration must also be posted on the undertaker’s internet web site.
22. So far as reasonably practicable, steam purging may only take place between the hours of 0900-1700 Mondays-Saturdays and not on any Sunday or Bank Holiday.
23.—(1) Prior to the commencement of construction for the building envelope to contain Work No. 1 an acoustic design report must be submitted to and approved in writing by Central Bedfordshire Council.
(2) The report must detail─
(a)the noise control measures that are proposed to be included in the design of the building envelope;
(b)acoustic barriers;
(c)predicted sound power levels and noise emissions from the air cooled condensers; and
(d)acoustic attenuation measures for internal plant and equipment.
(3) The measures must be installed in accord with the approved scheme prior to commencement of operation of the authorised development and retained and maintained afterwards in accordance with the manufacturers’ specifications unless Central Bedfordshire Council gives its written consent to any variation.
(4) The acoustic design report must demonstrate compliance with requirements 18 and 19.
24. Construction work (which for the purpose of this requirement does not include non-intrusive activities such as electrical installation and internal fit out works) may not take place other than between 0700 and 1900 hours on weekdays and 0700 and 1300 hours on Saturdays, excluding public holidays, unless otherwise agreed in writing by Central Bedfordshire Council.
25. A facility must be provided and maintained within Work No. 1 to enable steam pass-outs and/or hot water pass-outs and reserve space for the provision of water pressurisation, heating and pumping systems for off-site users of process or space heating and its later connection to such systems.
26.—(1) No heavy goods vehicle transporting municipal waste or commercial and industrial waste may enter or leave the authorised development at any time on a Sunday, Christmas Day, New Year’s Day or Easter Day (unless otherwise approved in writing by Central Bedfordshire Council).
(2) No heavy goods vehicle transporting municipal waste or commercial and industrial waste may enter or leave Work No. 1 except on Monday to Saturday between the hours of 0700 to 2300.
(3) No heavy goods vehicle transporting by-products may enter or leave Work No. 2 except on the following days and prescribed times—
(a)Monday to Friday between the hours of 0700 to 1800;
(b)Saturday between the hours of 0700 to 1400.
(4) No heavy goods vehicle may enter or leave the lorry park except between the hours of 0700 to 2300 on Monday to Saturday.
(5) This requirement applies except where such a movement as it describes is—
(a)an abnormal load;
(b)associated with an emergency; or
(c)carried out with the written approval of Central Bedfordshire Council.
27.—(1) No part of the authorised development may commence until a scheme for the installation of a CCTV camera (or cameras) to monitor the entrance to the site from Green Lane has been submitted to and approved in writing by Central Bedfordshire Council. The scheme must include details of—
(a)the column(s) and camera(s) to be used;
(b)the viewing area covered;
(c)the capability for remote access viewing; and
(d)the ability to record live footage.
(2) The approved CCTV scheme must be installed prior to commencement of incineration of waste in Work No. 1 and must be operated afterwards in accordance with the approved scheme unless otherwise agreed in writing by Central Bedfordshire Council.
28. All heavy goods vehicles carrying bulk materials or waste into and out of the site of the authorised development during the construction, operational and decommissioning phases of development must be covered unless the load is otherwise enclosed, except when required to inspect incoming loads of waste.
29.—(1) On the 32nd anniversary of the commencement of operation of the authorised development or on the cessation of the commercial operation of the development, whichever is earlier, the applicant must inform Central Bedfordshire Council as to whether it intends to maintain the authorised development in its then current state, refurbish it or demolish the facility and restore the land.
(2) In the event that it is intended to refurbish the authorised development details of external changes must be submitted to Central Bedfordshire Council for approval in writing. Any such refurbishment must be implemented in accordance with the approved details.
(3) In the event that it is not intended to maintain the authorised development (whether by carrying out changes authorised under requirement 29(2) or otherwise) the authorised development must be removed.
(4) Prior to any demolition of the authorised development demolition details must be submitted to Central Bedfordshire Council for approval in writing.
(5) The details must include—
(a)the structures and buildings to be demolished or retained;
(b)the phasing of demolition and means of removal of demolition materials; and
(c)the proposed condition of the land following restoration (including whether the land will be in the condition authorised by the Low Level Restoration Scheme approved under statutory reference BC/CM/2000/08) or an alternative scheme approved by Central Bedfordshire Council depending upon the condition of the land).
(6) The demolition must be carried out in accordance with the approved details following cessation of commercial operation of the authorised development unless otherwise agreed in writing by Central Bedfordshire Council.
30. With respect to any requirement which requires the authorised development to be carried out in accordance with details approved by the relevant planning authorities or either of them, the approved details are to be taken to include any amendments that may subsequently be approved in writing by the relevant planning authorities or either of them as the case may be.
31. No part of the authorised development may commence until the works comprising phase 1 of the low level restoration scheme, which has been authorised by Bedford Borough Council and Central Bedfordshire Council as a part of the review of old minerals permission with reference number BC/CM/2000/08, have been carried out so as to provide an engineered site for the authorised development.
32. No incinerator bottom ash or other combustion residues produced at any other generating station may be accepted at or processed in Work No. 2 of the authorised development.
33. No by-products stored at Work No. 2 comprised in the authorised development may exceed 10 metres in height from the surface of the yard comprised in Work No. 2.
34.—(1) Work No. 2 must not be commercially operated until a written scheme for the management and mitigation of dust emissions has been submitted to and approved in writing by Central Bedfordshire Council.
(2) The approved scheme for the management and mitigation of dust emissions must be implemented and maintained for the duration of the operation of the authorised development.
35.—(1) No part of the authorised development may commence until a detailed lighting strategy (which accords with the approved lighting strategy listed in requirement 6(1) and described in the design and access statement) has been submitted to and approved in writing by Central Bedfordshire Council.
(2) The approved lighting strategy must be implemented in accordance with the approved details prior to the commencement of incineration of waste in Work No. 1 of the authorised development and must be maintained afterwards for the duration of commercial operation of the authorised development.
(3) Where construction of Work No. 2 has not been completed prior to the incineration of waste in Work No. 1 the relevant elements of the approved lighting strategy relating to Work No. 2 must be implemented in accordance with the approved details prior to commercial operation of Work No. 2 and must be maintained afterwards for the duration of the operation of the authorised development.
36.—(1) No incineration of waste in Work No. 1 may take place, apart from during commissioning, until a grid connection comprised in Works No. 6A, 6B, 6C, 6D, 6E, 6F, 6G and 6H has been installed and is capable of transmitting electricity generated by Work No. 1.
(2) No waste may then be incinerated in Work No. 1 unless electricity is being generated by Work No. 1 except during periods of maintenance, inspection or repair or at the direction of the holder of a licence under section 6(1)(b) or (c) of the Electricity Act 1989 who is entitled to give such direction in relation to transmission of electricity from Work No. 1 to the national grid.
37.—(1) No part of the authorised development may commence until a scheme which overcomes the substandard visibility splay to the left on exit at the junction of Green Lane with the C94 has been submitted to and approved in writing by Bedford Borough Council and implemented on site in accordance with the approved details.
(2) Visibility requirements at either the existing junction or any new or realigned junction must accord with the requirements set out in the Design Manual for Roads and Bridges.
38.—(1) The total number of heavy goods vehicles importing or exporting waste, incinerator bottom ash aggregate or flue gas treatment residues to and from the authorised development must not exceed 594 movements per day.
(2) Records of such vehicle movements must be kept by the undertaker and provided to Central Bedfordshire Council every 6 months.
(3) The records must specify the following—
(a)number of vehicles both entering and leaving the authorised development; and
(b)time and date of vehicles both entering and leaving the authorised development.
39.—(1) The authorised development may not be commercially operated except in accordance with the travel plan which, prior to the approval of the travel plan referred to in requirement 39(2), means the travel plan submitted with the application together with the addendum headed “Interim Travel Plan SoCG Appendix” unless otherwise agreed in writing by the relevant planning authorities.
(2) A full travel plan must be submitted to the relevant planning authorities for approval in writing prior to the expiration of 6 months from the date on which the authorised development is first commercially operated. Following such approval that travel plan must be implemented in accordance with the approved details.
(3) A review of the travel plan must be carried out on each anniversary of the date of commencement of commercial operation of the authorised development and an annual travel plan report including any revisions to the travel plan deemed necessary as a result of the review must be submitted to the relevant planning authorities for written approval. Following approval of the revisions to the travel plan by the relevant planning authorities the authorised development must be operated in accordance with the revised travel plan.
40.—(1) No part of the authorised development may commence until a written ecological management scheme has been submitted to and approved in writing by the relevant planning authorities.
(2) The ecological management scheme must include details of—
(a)the protection of species covered by wildlife legislation, including great crested newts and reptiles, from activities associated with the authorised development;
(b)measures to sustain favourable conditions for stoneworts and invertebrate communities;
(c)the control of quality and quantity of water released from the authorised development to the drainage channels and attenuation pond in Rookery South Pit;
(d)the rotational management of water bodies and other wetland habitats within Rookery Pits;
(e)the management of woodland and scrub planting to maximise the habitat mosaic so as to complement woodland objectives in the wider area;
(f)how the lighting strategy referred to at requirement 35 avoids or minimises the use and effect of lighting;
(g)a strategy for ecological management of vegetated surfaces to include brown roofs associated with the Work No. 1;
(h)a programme for implementation of the proposed measures;
(i)details of ongoing maintenance; and
(j)an annual reporting protocol.
(3) The approved ecological management scheme must be implemented and maintained during commercial operation of the authorised development unless otherwise agreed in writing by the relevant planning authorities.
41.—(1) Incineration of waste in Work No. 1 must not take place except in accordance with the Residual Waste Acceptance Scheme dated 8 July 2011.
(2) On a date no later than the anniversary of the commencement of incineration of waste in Work No. 1 in each year, a written report in respect of a review of the effectiveness of the scheme must be submitted to Central Bedfordshire Council for approval in writing together with proposals for such revised, additional or substituted measures as appear to be necessary.
(3) Following approval of the alterations to the scheme by Central Bedfordshire Council incineration of waste in Work No. 1 must take place in accordance with the altered scheme.
(4) The purpose of altering the scheme is to ensure that the scheme continues to address changes in waste management, and that Work No. 1 is used only for the incineration of residual waste.