PART 2Children and young people with special educational needs


Where a parent or young person does not wish to or fails to pursue mediation34


Where a parent or young person who is required to obtain a mediation certificate informs the mediation adviser that he or she does not wish to pursue mediation, the mediation adviser must issue a mediation certificate under section 55(4) within 3 working days of being informed by the parent or young person.


The mediation adviser may not issue such a certificate if the parent or young person did not contact the mediation adviser within 2 months of the date of the notice issued by the local authority.


A parent or young person may seek leave to appeal to the First-tier Tribunal not withstanding that he or she is required to obtain a mediation certificate and a mediation adviser has not issued a certificate to him or her, where the parent or young person has failed to comply with Regulation 33 and the time for doing so has elapsed.