The East Anglia ONE Offshore Wind Farm Order 2014

Abatement of works abandoned or decayed

36.  Where Work No. 1(a) to (c) and Work No. 2 or any part of it is abandoned or allowed to fall into decay the Secretary of State may, following consultation with the undertakers, issue a written notice requiring the undertakers at its own expense to repair and restore or remove Work No. 1(a) to (c) and Work No. 2 or any relevant part of it, without prejudice to any notice served under section 105(2) of the 2004 Act. The notice may also require the restoration of the site of the relevant part(s) of Work No. 1(a) to (c) and Work No. 2 to a safe and proper condition within an area and to such an extent as may be specified in the notice.