The Daventry International Rail Freight Interchange Alteration Order 2014

Noise during the Operational Phase

30.—(1) No part of the authorised development may be brought into use until a written scheme has been submitted to and approved in writing by the relevant planning authority for the monitoring of noise generated during the operational phases of the development. The written scheme must specify the locations from where noise will be monitored, the method of noise measurement (which must be in accordance with BS4142: 1997 for fixed plant noise and Calculation of Railway Noise 1995, equivalent successor standards or other measurement methodologies appropriate to the circumstances agreed by the relevant planning authority) and identify maximum noise levels appropriate to each location. The written scheme must also specify the periods within which monitoring of operational noise are to take place. The written scheme must be implemented to establish baseline noise conditions. The written scheme is to be subject to annual reviews to establish the frequency of noise monitoring and the need for continued monitoring.

(2) Prior to installation, details of all mechanical and ventilation plant must be submitted to and approved in writing by the relevant planning authority. Any fixed plant or ventilation equipment must be installed and operated in accordance with manufacturers’ instructions at all times.

(3) Subject to health and safety requirements, broadband reversing alarms must be employed on mobile plant.