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The Thames Water Utilities Limited (Thames Tideway Tunnel) Order 2014

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This is the original version (as it was originally made). This item of legislation is currently only available in its original format.

Kirtling Street

13.  The table below sets out the specific requirements for the Kirtling Street site—

CoCP Part BKRTST1Until completion of construction the authorised development shall be carried out in accordance with the CoCP Part A subject to the site specific variations set out in CoCP Part B for this site, unless otherwise agreed with the relevant planning authority in consultation with other relevant stakeholders.
Contaminated landKRTST2

Site-specific remediation strategy

(1) No works shall be carried out at this site (except for demolition of existing buildings, works in the highway including site access, works to trees and installation of monitoring equipment), unless otherwise agreed, until the following are submitted to and approved by the relevant planning authority in consultation with the Environment Agency—

a. a preliminary risk assessment and site investigation scheme which identifies—

all previous uses

potential contaminants associated with those uses

a conceptual model of the site indicating sources, pathways and receptors

a qualitative risk assessment of any potentially unacceptable risks arising from contamination at the site

a proposed site investigation scheme providing information for a detailed quantitative assessment of the risk to all receptors that may be affected, including those off-site.

b. a remediation strategy which includes—

a detailed quantitative risk assessment

an options appraisal giving full details of the remediation measures required and how they shall be carried out

a verification plan providing details of the data to be collected in order to demonstrate that the works set out in the remediation strategy are complete and identifying any requirements for long-term monitoring of pollutant linkages, maintenance and arrangements for contingency action

a programme for the submission of elements detailed in (3) and (4) below.

(2) The authorised development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details, unless otherwise agreed with the relevant planning authority in consultation with the Environment Agency.

Verification report

(3) Prior to completion of the works, a verification report demonstrating completion of the works set out in the approved remediation strategy and the effectiveness of the remediation shall be submitted to and approved by the relevant planning authority in consultation with the Environment Agency. The report shall include results of sampling and monitoring carried out in accordance with the approved details to demonstrate that the site remediation criteria were met. It shall also include a plan for long-term monitoring of pollutant linkages, maintenance and arrangements for contingency action as identified in the verification plan.

(4) The long-term monitoring and maintenance plan shall be implemented in accordance with the approved details, unless otherwise agreed with the relevant planning authority in consultation with the Environment Agency.

Unexpected contamination

(5) If, in carrying out any works on this site, contamination not previously identified is found to be present, then unless otherwise agreed by the relevant planning authority, no further development or works shall be carried out in the part of the site in which the contamination is identified until a remediation strategy is submitted to and approved by the relevant planning authority in consultation with the Environment Agency. The authorised development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details, unless otherwise approved by the relevant planning authority.


(1) No excavation shall be carried out until a SSAWSI (which shall accord with the OAWSI) is submitted to and approved by the relevant planning authority in consultation with the HBMCE.

(2) The authorised development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details by a suitably qualified person or body.

Site restoration (excluding the designated Safeguarded wharf)KRTST4

(1) Construction of the permanent above-ground structures (save for work no. 13b(ii)) shall not commence until details of the landscaping works, which shall accord with the indicative Proposed landscape plan (Drawing No. DCO-PP-13X-KRTST-150008) and the design principles for this site, are submitted to and approved by the relevant planning authority in consultation with the Mayor of London.

(2) Unless otherwise agreed by the relevant planning authority, the landscaping information required in paragraph (1) above shall comprise details of all hard and soft landscaping works including:

a. location, quantity, species, size and density of any proposed planting

b. cultivation, importation of materials and other operations to ensure plant establishment

c. monitoring and maintenance (including any maintenance or restoration of landscaping required after tunnel commissioning)

d. proposed finished ground levels

e. hard-surfacing materials

f. minor structures such as furniture, refuse or other storage units, signs and lighting

g. retained historic landscape features and proposals for restoration, where relevant

h. a programme for implementation of all landscaping works

i. details of fencing/enclosures

j. vehicular and pedestrian access, parking and circulation areas, (including details of areas of public access)

k. proposed and existing functional services above and below ground, including drainage, power and communications cables and pipelines, manholes and supports

l. details of existing trees to be retained

(3) The authorised development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details, unless otherwise approved by the relevant planning authority.

(4) The approved landscaping works shall be carried out by suitably trained or qualified personnel to a reasonable standard in accordance with the relevant recommendations of appropriate British Standards or other recognised codes of good practice.

Replacement trees and shrubs

(5) If, within a period of five years from the date of the planting of any tree or shrub, that tree or shrub (or any tree or shrub planted to replace it) is uprooted or destroyed or dies, another tree or shrub of the same species and size as that originally planted shall be planted in the same place, unless the relevant planning authority approves any variation.

Concrete batching plantKRTST5

(1) Construction of Work No. 13b shall not commence until details of the relocated concrete batching plant (Work No. 13b (ii)) relating to scale, layout, materials and lighting are submitted to and approved by the relevant planning authority.

(2) The authorised development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details, unless otherwise agreed with the relevant planning authority.

Concrete batching plantKRTST6

(1) Construction of the batching plant shall not commence until a Noise Management Plan, an Air Quality Management Plan, a Dust and Particulates Management Plan and a Delivery Servicing Plan are submitted to and approved by the relevant planning authority in consultation with the Mayor of London.

(2) The authorised development shall be constructed and operated in accordance with these approved details, unless otherwise agreed with the relevant planning authority in consultation with the Mayor of London.

Concrete batching plant, Noise Management PlanKRTST7The Noise Management Plan (submitted further to requirement KRTST6) shall ensure that the concrete batching plant (Work No. 13b (ii)) adopt best practicable means to manage noise and shall include details of hours of working and measures to ensure that while barge off-loading is occurring during night time (between 23—00 and 07—00) the following activities would not occur— aggregate load out from storage bins; use of the cement blowing shed on the jetty, and the operation of the loading shovel. The noise mitigation measures shall include, but not be limited to, that the loading shovel and mixer lorries based at the site should be fitted with “smart” reversing alarm systems which have an audible white noise alarm rather than a standard tonal alarm (and are set at an appropriate agreed level); and the new concrete batching plant and aggregate processing facilities adopt best practices.
Concrete batching plant, Air Quality Management PlanKRTST8The Air Quality Management Plan for the concrete batching plant (Work No. 13b (ii)) shall include details of all air quality mitigation measures, including details of dust suppression measures and a method of air quality monitoring for fine particles. The air quality mitigation measures shall be retained throughout the operation of the plant.
Concrete batching plant, Dust and Particulates Management PlanKRTST9The Dust and Particulates Management Plan for the concrete batching plant (Work No. 13b (ii)) shall include details of the prevention of material being tracked out on to the highway; the use of dust suppressants; the full enclosure of all aggregate feed conveyors; the installation of a dust suppression system in the vicinity of the exit from the site; and the use of a road sweeper to clean the local roads.
Concrete batching plant, Delivery Servicing PlanKRTST10The Delivery Servicing Plan (submitted further to requirement KRTST6) for the concrete batching plant (Work No. 13b (ii)) shall include an emphasis on the increased use of the river to import aggregates and cement; the volumes and types of materials imported and exported; and the capping of the annual HGV movements for the concrete batching plant at 50,000. Details of the annual HGV movements for each calendar year shall be provided to the Council to allow the Council to monitor the number of movements per annum.
Concrete batching plant, Energy StatementKRTST11

1) Work No. 13b (ii)) shall not commence until an Energy Statement for the concrete batching plant is submitted to and approved by the relevant planning authority. The statement shall include details of the measures to reduce carbon emissions from the site.

2) The development shall be implemented and operated in accordance with the approved sustainability and energy measures.

Concrete batching plant, parking schemeKRTST12

1) Work No. 13b (ii)) shall not commence until details of a parking scheme for the concrete batching plant for the provision of three active and one passive electric vehicle charging points, and the provision of two spaces for people with disabilities, is submitted to and approved by the relevant planning authority.

2) The parking scheme shall be implemented in accordance with the approved details.

Concrete batching plant, piling methodsKRTST13Piling or any other foundation designs using penetrative methods relating to construction of the concrete batching plant (Work No. 13b (ii)) shall not be permitted other than with the express written consent of the local planning authority, which may be given for those parts of the site where it has been demonstrated that there is no resultant unacceptable risk to groundwater.
Concrete batching plant, drainageKRTST14Work No. 13b (ii)) shall not commence until details of foul water drainage have been submitted to and approved by, the relevant planning authority in consultation with the sewerage undertaker. No discharge of foul water from the site shall be accepted into the public system until these drainage works have been completed.
Concrete batching plant, landscape treatmentKRTST15

Work No. 13b (ii)) shall not commence until details of the treatment of those parts of the site not covered by plant and buildings, including any parking areas, access ways, landscaping and surface treatment (including the provision of a hard surface across the site that is capable of being kept clean), are submitted to and approved by the relevant planning authority. The development shall be implemented in accordance with the approved details.

Concrete batching plant, visual impactKRTST16Work No. 13b (ii)) shall not commence until details of measures to mitigate the visual impact of the plant are submitted to and approved by the relevant planning authority. The details should include the potential use of green walls to clad the aggregate storage bins, and the finish to all the on site plant. The development shall be implemented and operated in accordance with the approved details.
Construction traffic management planKRTST17

(1) Work No. 13a shall not commence until a traffic management plan (which shall accord with the CoCP) is submitted to and approved by the relevant planning authority in consultation with TfL.

(2) The authorised development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details, unless otherwise approved by the relevant planning authority in consultation with TfL.

Travel planKRTST18

(1) Work No. 13a shall not commence until a site-specific construction workforce travel plan, which shall accord with the Draft Project Framework Travel Plan, is submitted to and approved by the relevant planning authority in consultation with TfL.

(2) The approved travel plan(s) shall be implemented from commencement of Work No. 13a and remain in place for the duration of the construction works, unless otherwise approved by the relevant planning authority in consultation with TfL.

Highway worksKRTST19

(1) Authorised development consisting of construction in or alteration of Nine Elms Lane (A3205) or the construction or alteration of any highway structures which form part of Nine Elms Lane shall not commence until details of the design are submitted to and approved by the local highway authority.

(2) The information required in paragraph 1 above shall include details of any permanent works for a new or altered surface and foul water drainage system for Nine Elms Lane (A3205) and any permanent works for a new or modified highway lighting scheme for Nine Elms Lane.

(3) The authorised development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details, unless otherwise approved by the local highway authority.

Specification of accesses (construction and operational)KRTST20

(1) No alterations shall be made to any existing access or any new access provided until details of the design, which shall accord with the design principles for this site, are submitted to and approved by the local highway authority in consultation with the Mayor of London. Any such works shall be completed before use.

(2) The authorised development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details, unless otherwise approved by the highway authority in consultation with the Mayor of London.

Surface water drainageKRTST21

(1) Construction of the permanent above-ground structures or landscaping (save for work no. 13b(ii)) shall not commence until details of the surface water drainage system for this site (including means of pollution control, an assessment of the hydrological and hydrogeological context and how the scheme shall be maintained and managed following completion), which shall accord with the design principles for this site, are submitted to and approved by the relevant planning authority in consultation with the Environment Agency.

(2) The authorised development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details, unless otherwise approved by the relevant planning authority in consultation with the Environment Agency, and completed prior to use of the authorised development.

Detailed design approval for permanent above-ground structuresKRTST22

(1) Construction of any permanent above-ground structure (save for work no. 13b(ii)) shall not commence until details of the design (including size, external appearances and samples of materials), which shall accord with the design principles for this site and the Site works parameter plan, are submitted to and approved by the relevant planning authority in consultation with the Mayor of London.

(2) The authorised development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details, unless otherwise approved by the relevant planning authority in consultation with the Mayor of London.

Kirtling Wharf, Site restorationKRTST23

(1) Use of the authorised development shall not commence until a site restoration scheme for Kirtling Wharf (the area designated by the secretary of state as a Safeguarded Wharf), which shall accord with the design principles for this site, the Site works parameter plan and maintain the viability of the safeguarded wharf for cargo handling in accordance with the London Plan, is submitted to and approved by the Mayor of London, in consultation with the Port of London Authority and the relevant planning authority.

(2) The site restoration scheme in paragraph (1) above shall include the following details—

a. proposed finished ground levels

b. hard-surfacing materials and load bearing capacities

c. minor structures such as furniture, access ladders, hand rails, refuse or other storage units, signs and lighting

d. permanent fences or other means of enclosure.

e. details of a riverside walk

(3) The authorised development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details, unless otherwise approved by the Mayor of London in consultation with the Port of London Authority and the relevant planning authority.

Location of above ground structuresKRTST24

(1) Construction of any permanent above-ground structures (save for work no. 13b(ii)) shall not commence until the location of the above ground structure which shall accord with the design principles for this site, the Site works parameter plan and maintain the viability of the safeguarded wharf for cargo handling in accordance with the London Plan, is submitted to and approved by the Mayor of London, in consultation with the Port of London Authority and the relevant planning authority.

(2) The authorised development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details, unless otherwise approved by the Mayor of London, in consultation with the Port of London Authority and the relevant planning authority.

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