Blackfriars Bridge Foreshore

17.  The table below sets out the specific requirements for the Blackfriars Bridge Foreshore site—

CoCP Part BBLABF1Until completion of construction the authorised development shall be carried out in accordance with the CoCP Part A subject to the site specific variations set out in CoCP Part B for this site, unless otherwise agreed with the relevant planning authority in consultation with other relevant stakeholders.
Location of permanent worksBLABF2

(1) The alignment of the new river wall to be provided as part of Work No. 17b(iv), which shall accord with the design principles for this site, shall be submitted and approved by the relevant planning authority in consultation with the Port of London Authority, Environment Agency and the HBMCE.

(2) The maximum projection into the river of the new river wall to be provided as part of Work No. 17b(iv) shall not extend more than 1.2 metres into the navigable channel as marked on PLA Chart No.317, Hydrographic Office Ref. No. 113-317-100, dated 11th January 2011.

(3) The authorised development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details, unless otherwise approved by the relevant planning authority in consultation with the Port of London Authority, Environment Agency and the HBMCE.

Location of permanent works (moorings and piers)BLABF3The replacement mooring and Blackfriars Millennium Pier shall be constructed in the locations shown on the Proposed site features plan (Drawing No. DCO-PP-17X-BLABF-190017 – rev 1 and DCO-PP-17X-BLABF-190019 – rev 1), unless otherwise approved by the relevant planning authority in consultation with the HBMCE, Port of London Authority, Transport for London, and the Environment Agency.
Detailed design approval for river wall and foreshore structureBLABF4

(1) Construction of the new river wall and terraces shall not commence until details of the design (including external appearance and samples of materials), which shall accord with the design principles for this site, the Site works parameter plan, Proposed landscape plans (Drawing No. DCO-PP-17X-BLABF-190020 – rev 2 and DCO-PP-17X-BLABF-190021), Typical river wall design intent (Drawing No. DCO-PP-17X-BLABF-190037 and DCO-PP-17X-BLABF-190038) and Listed structure interface – river wall (Drawing No. DCO-PP-17X-BLABF-190040 – rev 1), are submitted to and approved by the relevant planning authority in consultation with the HBMCE and the Environment Agency in respect of land based access to flood defences and potential for ecological enhancements.

(2) The authorised development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details, unless otherwise approved by the relevant planning authority in consultation with the HBMCE and the Environment Agency.

Detailed design approval for permanent above-ground structuresBLABF5

(1) Construction of any permanent above-ground structure shall not commence until details of the design (including size, external appearances and materials), which shall accord with the design principles for this site, the Site works parameter plan, the Kiosk and undercroft design intent plans (Drawing Nos. DCO-PP-17X-BLABF-190035) and the Proposed listed structure interface – bridge stairs plans (Drawing Nos. DCO-PP-17X-BLABF-190042 and DCO-PP-17X-BLABF-190044), are submitted to and approved by the relevant planning authority in consultation with the HBMCE.

(2) The proposed amenity buildings and undercroft area (for commercial use) as shown on the Proposed landscape plans (Drawing Nos. DCO-PP-17X-BLABF-190020 – rev 2 and DCO-PP-17X-BLABF-190021) shall not be brought into use until planning permission is granted for their use by the relevant planning authority and details of refuse storage and servicing are approved.

(3) The authorised development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details, unless otherwise approved by the relevant planning authority in consultation with the HBMCE.

Detailed design approval for signature ventilation columnsBLABF6

(1) Construction of the signature ventilation columns shall not commence until details of the height, dimensions, external appearance and materials, which shall accord with the Ventilation column type C (Drawing No. DCO-PP-900-ZZZZZ-290003 – rev 2), are submitted to and approved by the relevant planning authority in consultation with the HBMCE.

(2) The ventilation columns at this site shall not exceed 6 metres in height.

(3) The authorised development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details, unless otherwise approved by the relevant planning authority in consultation with the HBMCE.

Demolition of existing Blackfriars Millennium PierBLABF7The replacement for the Blackfriars Millennium Pier shall be provided and commissioned so as to be ready for use before the existing pier is taken out of service, unless otherwise agreed with Transport for London and the Port of London Authority .
Thames Path (temporary diversion)BLABF8The temporary diversion of the Thames Path shall be as shown on the Access plan, unless otherwise agreed with the relevant planning authority. The route of the temporary diversion shall be in place before the existing route is closed.
Thames Path (permanent lift and stairs)BLABF9The Thames Path and Blackfriars Bridge Stairs shall not be stopped up until the new lift and replacement stairs are operational and available for use by members of the public, unless otherwise agreed with the relevant planning authority.
Detailed design approval for permanent river structures (moorings and piers)BLABF10

(1) Construction of the new mooring (i.e. Chrysanthemum Pier) and Blackfriars Millennium Pier shall not commence until details of the design (including external appearance and materials), which shall accord with the design principles for this site and the Site works parameter plan, are submitted to and approved by the relevant planning authority in consultation with the Port of London Authority.

(2) Blackfriars Millennium pier shall only be used for the embarkation and disembarkation of passengers. It shall not be used for servicing, maintaining or repairing vessels on the river, except in the case of an emergency.

(3) The authorised development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details, unless otherwise approved by the relevant planning authority in consultation with the Port of London Authority.

Details of works to listed buildingsBLABF11

(1) Works to the listed embankment wall and Blackfriars Bridge shall not commence until details of those works, which shall accord with the design principles for this site, the maximum temporary and permanent extent of loss of listed buildings/structures (Drawing No. DCO-PP-17X-BLABF-190022 – rev 1, DCO-PP-17X-BLABF-190023), As existing listed structure interface – Bridge stairs (west) (Drawing Nos. DCO-PP-17X-BLABF-190041 and DCO-PP-17X-BLABF-190042) and As existing listed structure interface – bridge stairs (east) (Drawing Nos. DCO-PP-17X-BLABF-190043 and DCO-PP-17X-BLABF-190044), are submitted to and approved by the relevant planning authority in consultation with the HBMCE.

(2) The details required shall include—

detailed drawings of a scale between 1—5 and 1—50 showing all fixings to the listed embankment wall and Blackfriars Bridge

detailed elevations of a scale between 1—50 and 1—100

construction method statement, including engineer’s drawings

samples of materials.

(3) The authorised development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details, unless otherwise approved by the relevant planning authority in consultation with the HBMCE.

Protective works to listed buildingsBLABF12

(1) Works to the listed embankment wall and Blackfriars Bridge shall not commence until details of the following (which shall include a construction method statement) are submitted to and approved by the relevant planning authority in consultation with the HBMCE—

works to protect the listed fabric during demolition and construction (including materials)

works to remove, store, refurbish and reinstate listed benches, lion’s head mooring rings, sturgeon lamp standards and any York stone paving and any stone removed from the listed embankment wall.

(2) Materials of heritage significance in b above shall be re-used in accordance with the principles set out in Section 3.6 of the Heritage Statement.

(3) The authorised development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details, unless otherwise approved by the relevant planning authority in consultation with the HBMCE.

Restoration works to listed buildingsBLABF13

(1) Works to listed embankment wall or Blackfriars Bridge shall not commence until details of works to restore the listed fabric, including materials, are submitted to and approved by the relevant planning authority in consultation with the HBMCE.

(2) The authorised development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details, unless otherwise approved by the relevant planning authority in consultation with the HBMCE.

Landscaping worksBLABF14

(1) Construction of the permanent above-ground structures shall not commence until details of the landscaping works, which shall accord with the Proposed site features plan (Drawing No. DCO-PP-17X-BLABF-190018 – rev 2), the Proposed landscape plans (Drawing Nos. DCO-PP-17X-BLABF-190020 – rev 2 and DCO-PP-17X-BLABF-190021) and the design principles for this site, are submitted to and approved by the relevant planning authority in consultation with the HBMCE and TfL (in respect of street trees).

(2) Unless otherwise agreed by the relevant planning authority, the landscaping information required in paragraph (1) above shall comprise details of all hard and soft landscaping works including:

a. location, quantity, species, size and density of any proposed planting

b. cultivation, importation of materials and other operations to ensure plant establishment

c. monitoring and maintenance (including any maintenance or restoration of landscaping required after tunnel commissioning)

d. proposed finished ground levels

e. hard-surfacing materials

f. minor structures such as furniture, refuse or other storage units, signs and lighting

g. position, width, levels and finishes of the city walkway

h. retained historic landscape features and proposals for restoration, where relevant

i. a programme for implementation of all landscaping works

j. details of fencing/enclosures including emergency access gate between Paul’s Walk and Blackfriars Underpass/White Lion Hill

k. vehicular and pedestrian access, parking and circulation areas, (including details of areas of public access)

l. proposed and existing functional services above and below ground, including drainage, power and communications cables and pipelines, manholes and supports

m. details of existing trees to be retained

(3) The authorised development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details, unless otherwise approved by the relevant planning authority.

(4) The approved landscaping works shall be carried out by suitably trained or qualified personnel to a reasonable standard in accordance with the relevant recommendations of appropriate British Standards or other recognised codes of good practice.

Replacement trees and shrubs

(5) If, within a period of five years from the date of the planting of any tree or shrub, that tree or shrub (or any tree or shrub planted to replace it) is uprooted or destroyed or dies, another tree or shrub of the same species and size as that originally planted shall be planted in the same place, unless the relevant planning authority approves any variation.

Temporary works platformBLABF15

(1) The temporary works platform shall not extend beyond the alignment shown on the Site works parameter plan.

(2) Should the alignment be less than the maximum extent shown on the Site works parameter plan, construction of the temporary works platform shall not commence until details of the proposed structure(s) (including additional lengths of cofferdam, temporary decking areas and pontoons) are submitted to and approved by the Port of London Authority in consultation with Environment Agency.

Contaminated landBLABF16

Site-specific remediation strategy

(1) No works shall be carried out at this site (except for demolition of existing buildings, works in the highway including site access, works to trees and installation of monitoring equipment), unless otherwise agreed, until the following are submitted to and approved by the relevant planning authority in consultation with the Environment Agency—

a. a preliminary risk assessment and site investigation scheme which identifies—

all previous uses

potential contaminants associated with those uses

a conceptual model of the site indicating sources, pathways and receptors

a qualitative risk assessment of any potentially unacceptable risks arising from contamination at the site

a proposed site investigation scheme providing information for a detailed quantitative assessment of the risk to all receptors that may be affected, including those off-site.

b. a remediation strategy which includes—

a detailed quantitative risk assessment

an options appraisal giving full details of the remediation measures required and how they shall be carried out

a verification plan providing details of the data to be collected in order to demonstrate that the works set out in the remediation strategy are complete and identifying any requirements for long-term monitoring of pollutant linkages, maintenance and arrangements for contingency action

a programme for the submission of elements detailed in 3 and 4 below.

(2) The authorised development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details, unless otherwise agreed with the relevant planning authority in consultation with the Environment Agency.

Verification report

(3) Prior to completion of the works, a verification report demonstrating completion of the works set out in the approved remediation strategy and the effectiveness of the remediation shall be submitted to and approved by the relevant planning authority in consultation with the Environment Agency. The report shall include results of sampling and monitoring carried out in accordance with the approved details to demonstrate that the site remediation criteria were met. It shall also include a plan for long-term monitoring of pollutant linkages, maintenance and arrangements for contingency action as identified in the verification plan.

(4) The long-term monitoring and maintenance plan shall be implemented in accordance with the approved details, unless otherwise agreed with the relevant planning authority in consultation with the Environment Agency.

Unexpected contamination

(5) If, in carrying out any works on this site, contamination not previously identified is found to be present, then unless otherwise agreed by the relevant planning authority, no further development or works shall be carried out in the part of the site in which the contamination is identified until a remediation strategy is submitted to and approved by the relevant planning authority in consultation with the Environment Agency. The authorised development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details, unless otherwise approved by the relevant planning authority.


(1) No excavation shall be carried out until a SSAWSI (which shall accord with the OAWSI) is submitted to and approved by the relevant planning authority.

(2) The authorised development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details by a suitably qualified person or body.

Construction traffic management planBLABF18

(1) Work No.17a shall not commence until a traffic management plan (which shall accord with the CoCP) is submitted to and approved by the relevant planning authority in consultation with TfL.

(2) The authorised development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details, unless otherwise approved by the relevant planning authority in consultation with TfL.

Travel planBLABF19

(1) Work No.17a shall not commence until a site-specific construction workforce travel plan, which shall accord with the Draft Project Framework Travel Plan, is submitted to and approved by the relevant planning authority in consultation with TfL.

(2) The approved travel plan(s) shall be implemented from commencement of Work No.17a and remain in place for the duration of the construction works, unless otherwise approved by the relevant planning authority in consultation with TfL.

Specification of accesses (construction and operational)BLABF20

(1) No alterations shall be made to any existing access or any new access provided until details of the design, which shall accord with the design principles for this site, are submitted to and approved by the local highway authority. Any such works shall be completed prior to their use.

(2) The authorised development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details, unless otherwise approved by the highway authority.

Highway worksBLABF21

(1) Authorised development consisting of construction in or alteration of the existing westbound Victoria Embankment on-slip ramp or the construction or alteration of any highway structures which form part of the ramp shall not commence until details of the design are submitted to and approved by the local highway authority.

(2) The information required in paragraph (1) above shall include details of any permanent works for a new or altered surface and foul water drainage system for the existing westbound Victoria Embankment on-slip ramp and any permanent works for a new or modified highway lighting scheme for the ramp.

(3) The authorised development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details, unless otherwise approved by the local highway authority.

Surface water drainageBLABF22

(1) Construction of the permanent above-ground structures or landscaping shall not commence until details of the surface water drainage system for this site (including means of pollution control, an assessment of the hydrological and hydrogeological context and how the scheme shall be maintained and managed following completion), which shall accord with the design principles for this site, are submitted to and approved by the relevant planning authority in consultation with the Environment Agency.

(2) The authorised development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details, unless otherwise approved by the relevant planning authority in consultation with the Environment Agency, and completed prior to use of the authorised development.

Lighting (operational phase)BLABF23

(1) Use of the authorised development shall not commence until details of the operational lighting, which shall accord with the design principles for this site, are submitted to and approved by the relevant planning authority in consultation with the HBMCE and the Port of London Authority.

(2) The authorised development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details, unless otherwise approved by the relevant planning authority in consultation with the HBMCE and the Port of London Authority.

Pipe subwayBLABF24

(1) Any part of an existing pipe subway, including and fixtures and fittings associated with the safe working of the pipe subway, removed, disassembled, or damaged in the course of the authorised project shall be reinstated in accordance with details submitted to and approved by the relevant planning authority.

(2) Where any pipe or wire located in an existing pipe subway is diverted during the construction of the works at this site it shall be reinstated in the pipe subway on completion of the works unless otherwise agreed with the relevant planning authority.

(3) Any lighting, power supplies, pumps and discharge damaged or removed as a result of works to or demolition of a section of the subway must be relocated and reconfigured either side of the area of the work being carried out, to ensure their continued function and they must be reinstated on completion of these works in accordance with details submitted to and approved by the relevant planning authority.

(4) Works affecting the pipe subway or the access to it shall not commence until written details in respect of security, access arrangements (including closure of access points and pipe sections) and health and safety measures shall be submitted and approved by the relevant planning authority for approval in consultation in with the City of London Police and the Metropolitan Police.

(5) All works shall be carried out in compliance with the approved details unless otherwise agreed with the relevant planning authority in consultation with the City of London Police and the Metropolitan Police.

(6) For the purposes of this requirement —

“pipe” and “wire” bear the same meaning as in paragraph (4) of Article 58 (Application of pipe subways legislation) of this order;

“existing pipe subway” means any subway belonging to the Mayor and Commonalty and Citizens of the City of London to which the London County Council (Subways) Act 1893 applies or any public service works vested in the said Mayor and Commonalty and Citizens in accordance with Part V of the City of London (Various Powers) Act 1900.

Section 106 Agreement / UndertakingBLABF25The authorised development shall not commence on this site unless and until the undertaker enters into the Blackfriars Bridge Foreshore Section 106 Agreement / Undertaking (in accordance with the obligations specified in the draft at doc. ref. APP119.08).
Commissioning worksBLABF26

(1) On or before the completion of the landscaping works approved further to requirement BLABF14 (landscaping), the undertaker shall give notice to the relevant planning authority.

(2) (Save for works carried out in accordance with (5) below) within 1 month of the notice under (1) the undertaker shall:

a. remove all hoarding or other temporary enclosure from the site; and

b. make the site publically accessible in accordance with the approved landscape scheme.

(3) The undertaker shall provide a ‘commissioning notice’ to the relevant planning authority at least 2 months before undertaking any commissioning works. The notice shall include:

a. a programme for the commissioning works; and

b. a location plan for any fencing or hoarding associated with those works (including identifying areas to be accessible to the public).

(4) The undertaker shall provide a ‘commissioning confirmation notice’ 21 days prior to starting the commissioning works, confirming the date of commencement of commissioning.

(5) The commissioning works shall be undertaken in accordance with the programme in the commissioning notice and the location plan unless otherwise agreed with the relevant planning authority.