
SCHEDULE 1Authorised development

PART 3Requirements

Control of dust emissions during operation

29.—(1) No part of Work No. 2a, 2b, 2c, 5, 6a, 6b, or 7 shall be operated until a written scheme for the management and mitigation of dust emissions from solid fuels during operation of the authorised development substantially in accordance with the Outline Coal Dust Management Plan dated January 2014 has been submitted to and approved by the relevant planning authority (such approval not to be unreasonably withheld).

(2) The approved scheme shall provide for—

(a)details of the plant comprised in Work No. 6a for the unloading of solid fuels from barges;

(b)the detailed design of the pipe conveyor comprised in Work No. 6b;

(c)measures to provide for the minimisation of dust emissions from railway wagons transporting solid fuel to the authorised development;

(d)the detailed design of any facility comprised in Work No. 5 for the unloading of trains delivering solid fuels;

(e)measures to control the management of emissions of dust from any of the activities to which sub-paragraphs (a)-(d) relate; and

(f)types of railway wagon which may be used for the delivery of solid fuel to the authorised development.

(3) Operation of the authorised development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved scheme.