SCHEDULE 3Deemed marine licence under the Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009 – transmission assets

PART 2Conditions

Post construction surveys16


The undertaker must, in discharging condition 10(b), submit details for written approval by the MMO in consultation with Natural England of proposed post-construction surveys, including methodologies and timings, and a proposed format, content and timings for providing reports on the results at least four months prior to the commencement of any survey works detailed within. The survey proposals shall specify each survey’s objectives and explain how it will assist in either informing a useful and valid comparison with the pre-construction position and/or will enable the validation or otherwise of key predictions in the environmental statement.


The post construction surveys referred to in sub-paragraph (1) must unless otherwise agreed with the MMO have due regard to, but not be limited to the need to undertake a survey to determine the effects of construction activity on any benthic Annex 1 Habitat in whole or in part inside the area(s) within the Order limits, dependent on the outcome of the survey undertaken in condition 14(2)(a) above.


The undertaker must carry out the surveys agreed under sub-paragraph (1) for three years post-construction which may be non-consecutive years and provide the agreed reports in the agreed format in accordance with the agreed timetable, unless otherwise agreed in writing with the MMO in consultation with Natural England.