2.Accommodation for persons who require nursing or personal care
3.Accommodation for persons who require treatment for substance misuse
5.Assessment or medical treatment for persons detained under the 1983 Act
8.Management of supply of blood and blood derived products etc
9.Transport services, triage and medical advice provided remotely
Regulated Activities: General Exceptions
2.Any activity which involved the carrying on of an establishment...
3.(1) Subject to paragraph 4, the provision of treatment in...
5.(1) Medical or dental services provided (otherwise than in conjunction...
6.Forensic medicine or dental services provided under arrangements made with...
7.Primary ophthalmic services provided under Part 6 of the 2006...
8.Services which are provided at or from premises that are...
9.The provision of first aid by— (a) health care professionals...
2.Where required for the purposes of an exempted question in...
3.Where required for the purposes of an exempted question asked...
4.Satisfactory evidence of conduct in previous employment concerned with the...
7.A full employment history, together with a satisfactory written explanation...
8.Satisfactory information about any physical or mental health conditions which...
9.For the purposes of this Schedule— (a) “the appointed day”...
Good character and unfit person tests
1.The person is an undischarged bankrupt or a person whose...
2.The person is the subject of a bankruptcy restrictions order...
4.The person has made a composition or arrangement with, or...
5.The person is included in the children's barred list or...
6.The person is prohibited from holding the relevant office or...