Survey of riverbed



Before the commencement of construction of the first specified work below mean high water level to be constructed following approval under paragraph 60, the PLA may, at LUL’s expense (such expense to be that which is reasonably incurred), carry out a survey of such parts of the River Thames as might be affected by sedimentation, scouring, currents or wave action that might result from the construction of such of the authorised works as would constitute specified works below mean high water level if they were to be constructed, for the purposes of establishing the condition of the River Thames at that time.


Before the commencement of construction of any other specified work approved under paragraph 60, the PLA may, at LUL’s expense (such expense to be that which is reasonably incurred), carry out a survey of such parts of the River Thames as might be affected by sedimentation, scouring, currents or wave action resulting from that specified work for the purpose of establishing the condition of the River Thames at that time.


The PLA may, at LUL’s expense (such expense to be that which is reasonably incurred), carry out such surveys of the River Thames as are reasonably required during the construction of any specified work to ascertain the effect of that specified work on the River Thames and the PLA must make available to LUL the results of any such survey.


After completion of, respectively, any specified work and all the specified works constructed under this Order, the PLA may, at LUL’s expense (such expense to be that which is reasonably incurred) carry out a further survey of the parts of the River Thames which were surveyed prior to the construction of that work, or as the case may be a survey of the completed specified works as so constructed, for the purpose of establishing the condition of the River Thames and the effect that the specified work is, or as the case may be the specified works are, having on navigation, the flow and the regime of the River Thames and the exercise of the PLA’s functions.


The PLA must not under this paragraph carry out a survey of any part of the River Thames as respects which LUL has provided to the PLA survey material which the PLA is satisfied establishes the condition of the River Thames, and in the case of a survey under sub-paragraph (3), the effect of the specified work, or as the case may be the specified works.