Business Improvement Districts (Property Owners) (England) Regulations 2014enKing's Printer of Acts of Parliament2017-07-31LOCAL GOVERNMENT, ENGLAND Schedule 2 to the Business Rate Supplements Act 2009 makes provision for “property owner” business improvement districts (BRS-BID arrangements) as areas within which projects specified in the BRS-BID arrangements are to be carried out for the benefit of that district or those who live, work or carry on any activity in the district. Those projects are to be financed (in whole or in part) by a levy imposed on the persons with a relevant property interest in the district. BRS-BID arrangements may only be established where those entitled to vote approve the BRS-BID proposals. These Regulations make supplemental provision. SCHEDULE 2 Rules for ballots PART 2Rules for ballotsRetention of ballot papers 19 The ballot holder shall retain the ballot papers for six months after the day of the ballot and then, unless otherwise directed by order of the High Court, shall cause them to be destroyed.
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<dc:title>The Business Improvement Districts (Property Owners) (England) Regulations 2014</dc:title>
<dc:publisher>King's Printer of Acts of Parliament</dc:publisher>
<dc:subject scheme="SIheading">LOCAL GOVERNMENT, ENGLAND</dc:subject>
<dc:description>Schedule 2 to the Business Rate Supplements Act 2009 makes provision for “property owner” business improvement districts (BRS-BID arrangements) as areas within which projects specified in the BRS-BID arrangements are to be carried out for the benefit of that district or those who live, work or carry on any activity in the district. Those projects are to be financed (in whole or in part) by a levy imposed on the persons with a relevant property interest in the district. BRS-BID arrangements may only be established where those entitled to vote approve the BRS-BID proposals. These Regulations make supplemental provision.</dc:description>
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<ukm:Made Date="2014-12-01"/>
<ukm:ISBN Value="9780111124536"/>
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<dc:title>The Business Improvement Districts (Property Owners) (England) Regulations 2014</dc:title>
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<ukm:Alternative URI="" Date="2014-12-04" Size="235781"/>
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<Schedule DocumentURI="" IdURI="" NumberOfProvisions="19" id="schedule-2">
<Number>SCHEDULE 2</Number>
<Title>Rules for ballots</Title>
<Part DocumentURI="" IdURI="" NumberOfProvisions="18" id="schedule-2-part-2">
<Number>PART 2</Number>
<Title>Rules for ballots</Title>
<Title>Retention of ballot papers</Title>
<P1 DocumentURI="" IdURI="" id="schedule-2-paragraph-19">
<Text>The ballot holder shall retain the ballot papers for six months after the day of the ballot and then, unless otherwise directed by order of the High Court, shall cause them to be destroyed.</Text>