

Fire protection

General duty

19.—(1) The mine operator must ensure that operations and work at the mine are planned and carried out—

(a)so far as is reasonably practicable, to prevent the outbreak of fire or spontaneous combustion; and

(b)with a view to preventing the spread of any fire.

(2) The mine operator must ensure that the mine is equipped with—

(a)suitable fire-fighting equipment; and

(b)where necessary, fire detectors and alarm systems.

(3) The mine operator must ensure that the fire-fighting equipment referred to in paragraph (2)(a) is maintained in good condition and is easily accessible.

Fire protection plan

20.—(1) The mine operator must prepare and implement a fire protection plan detailing—

(a)the likely sources of fire; and

(b)the precautions to be taken to protect against, detect and combat the outbreak and spread of fire.

(2) In respect of every part of the mine other than any building on the surface of the mine, the fire protection plan must—

(a)include the designation of persons to implement the plan;

(b)include the arrangements for any necessary contacts with external emergency services, particularly as regards rescue work and fire fighting; and

(c)be adapted to the nature of the activities carried out at the mine and the size of the mine.

(3) The fire protection plan must be kept at the mine or at some other suitable place.