

Inspection of the mine

14.—(1) The mine operator must—

(a)make arrangements for the systematic inspection of all parts of the mine below ground—

(i)where people work or pass; or

(ii)which otherwise could have an effect on the health and safety of persons at work at the mine;

(b)divide the mine into districts for the purpose of inspection under paragraph (a), taking due account of—

(i)the extent of each district;

(ii)conditions (including risk) in each district; and

(iii)other relevant circumstances;

(c)prepare and keep up to date a suitable written scheme for the inspection of the mine required by paragraph (a);

(d)appoint sufficient competent persons to undertake the activities referred to in this regulation;

(e)ensure that, where appropriate, suitable written reports are made of the inspections and that each report records significant defects and the steps taken, or proposed to be taken, to remedy them; and

(f)ensure that any proposed steps in a report are taken, provided they are appropriate.

(2) This regulation does not apply to shafts.