The Willington C Gas Pipeline Order 2014

5.—(1) The undertaker must, before commencing construction of any specified work or carrying out any works on Canal & River Trust property, supply to Canal & River Trust proper and sufficient plans of that work for the reasonable approval (having regard to the undertaker’s timetable for the construction of the authorised development) of the engineer, and the specified work must not be commenced except in accordance with such plans as have been approved in writing by the engineer or settled by arbitration in accordance with article 34 (arbitration).

(2) If by the end of the period of 28 days beginning with the date on which such plans have been supplied to Canal & River Trust the engineer has not intimated disapproval of those plans and the grounds of disapproval, the undertaker may serve upon the engineer written notice requiring the engineer to intimate approval or disapproval within a period of 14 days beginning with the date upon which the engineer receives written notice from the undertaker. If by the expiry of the 14 days the engineer has not intimated approval or disapproval, the engineer is deemed to have approved the plans as submitted.

(3) If by the end of the period of 28 days beginning with the date on which written notice was served upon the engineer under sub-paragraph (2) Canal & River Trust gives notice to the undertaker that Canal & River Trust desires itself to construct any part of a specified work that in the opinion of the engineer may or will affect the stability of Canal & River Trust property or the safe operation of any waterway, then if the undertaker requires such part of such specified work to be constructed, Canal & River Trust must construct it with all reasonable dispatch on behalf of and to the reasonable satisfaction of the undertaker in accordance with the plans approved or deemed to be approved or settled under this paragraph, and under the supervision of the undertaker.

(4) When signifying approval of the plans, the engineer may specify any protective works (whether temporary or permanent) that in the engineer’s opinion should be carried out before the commencement of the construction of a specified work to ensure the safety or stability of the waterway or the continued safe and efficient use of the waterway or any Canal & River Trust property, and such protective works (which for the avoidance of doubt may include requirements to fence any proposed works in order to separate the same from the waterways, ponds or watercourses situated on Canal & River Trust property either on a permanent or temporary basis) as may be reasonably necessary for those purposes must be constructed by the undertaker, as agreed between the parties or settled by arbitration in accordance with article 34 (arbitration), and such protective works must be carried out at the expense of the undertaker with all reasonable dispatch, and the undertaker must not commence the construction of the specified works until the engineer has notified the undertaker that the protective works have been completed to the engineer’s reasonable satisfaction.