PART 6Survivor's benefits

CHAPTER 4Surviving adult pensions

Annual rate of surviving adult pension: short-term143


The short-term rate of surviving adult pension—


applies if a member (D) dies in service or dies as a pensioner member; and


is payable for the first 3 months after D's death.


The short-term rate is calculated as follows—


if D dies in service, it is D's annual rate of pensionable earnings as at the date of D's death (disregarding any reduction by reason of sick leave, maternity leave, paternity leave, F2...F1shared parental leave F3, parental bereavement leave or adoption leave);


if D dies as a pensioner member, it is D's annual rate of retirement pension as at the date of D's death; or


if the rate calculated under sub-paragraph (a) or (b) is smaller than the annual rate calculated in accordance with regulation 144 (“long-term rate”), it is the same as the long-term rate.


In this regulation, “annual rate of retirement pension” means annual rate of phased retirement earned pension or annual rate of full retirement earned pension.