
PART 3Parochial Fees

Period for which fees are prescribed

4.  The following provisions of this Part apply for the purpose of prescribing parochial fees for the period 1st January 2015 to 31st December 2019.

Base figures

5.  In this Part “the base figure” for a matter listed in the table in Schedule 1 is the amount specified for that matter in the table for the diocesan board of finance or (as the case may be) the parochial church council.

Prescribed fees

6.—(1) The parochial fees payable to a parochial church council and to a diocesan board of finance in respect of the period mentioned in article 4 are prescribed as follows.

(2) The fee payable in the calendar year 1st January to 31st December 2015 for a matter specified in the table in Schedule 1 is the base figure for that matter increased by the percentage by which the Retail Prices Index for September 2014 is greater than that for September 2013.

(3) The fee payable in each subsequent calendar year for a matter in the table in Schedule 1 is the fee payable for that matter in the preceding calendar year (“Year A”) increased by the percentage by which the Retail Prices Index for September in Year A is greater than that for September in the calendar year preceding Year A.

(4) But where there is no increase in the Retail Prices Index, the percentage for the purposes of paragraph (2) or (3) is to be treated as zero.


7.—(1) Schedule 2 contains incidental provisions that apply in relation to the parochial fees prescribed by article 6.

(2) Article 6 is subject to section 1(8) of the Measure (which provides that where the relevant parish is a parish of which a cathedral is the parish church, any fees which would, apart from that subsection, be payable to the parochial church council or to the diocesan board of finance, are instead payable to the corporate body of the cathedral).