Port boundary2.
The boundary is generally shown by the inner edge of the red line on the plan in Part 1 of Schedule 1.
As to the inland limits of the boundary, so far as not included in the rectangles referred to in paragraph (4), the red line runs along the beaches and foreshores.
As to the parts of the boundary included in the rectangles marked “1”, “1A”, “2”, “3”, “4”, “4A”, “5”, “6”, “7” and “8” on the plan in Part 1 of Schedule 1, the boundary is more particularly shown by the red lines on each of the corresponding inset plans, in Part 2 of Schedule 1, headed respectively “Inset Plan 1–Crown Wharf”, “Inset Plan 1A–Crown Wharf”, “Inset Plan 2–Hanson Aggregate”, “Inset Plan 3–Scotline”, “Inset Plan 4–Chatham”, “Inset Plan 4A–Chatham”, “Inset Plan 5–Isle of Grain”, “Inset Plan 6–Sheerness Docks”, “Inset Plan 7–Ridham Docks” and “Inset Plan 8–Grovehurst Jetty”.
The seaward limit of the boundary at the approach to the River Medway is a line commencing at the London Stone at 51° 28.5207’ N, 00° 40.7037’ E and running thence to 51° 29.0213’ N, 00° 52.5998’ E and thence to Warden Point at 51° 24.9552’ N, 00° 54.2360’ E.
The seaward limit of the boundary at the approach to the River Swale is a line commencing at Shellness at 51° 22.3920’ N, 00° 57.0551’ E and running thence to Seasalter at 51° 20.7800’ N, 00° 57.9930’ E.
Where the red line runs along a beach or foreshore, the boundary runs along the edge of the land on that beach or foreshore which is below the level of mean high water springs.