Regulations 4A and 4B

5.  After regulation 4 insert—

The Northern Irish border, the Scottish border and the Welsh border

4A.(1) In these Regulations, “the Northern Irish border” means a line joining the co-ordinates numbered 1 to 12 in Part 1 of Schedule A1.

(2) In these Regulations, “the Scottish border” means—

(a)in the North Sea, a line—

(i)joining the co-ordinates numbered 1 to 7 in Part 2 of Schedule A1,

(ii)then following, in a south easterly direction, the seaward limits of the territorial sea adjacent to the United Kingdom until the co-ordinate 55º 50ʹ 00ʺ N; 1º 27ʹ 31ʺ W, and

(iii)then following, in an easterly direction, the parallel of latitude 55º 50ʹ 00ʺ N until its intersection with the Dividing Line; and

(b)in the Irish Sea, a line—

(i)joining the co-ordinates numbered 1 to 8 in Table 1 of Part 3 of Schedule A1,

(ii)then following the seaward limits of the territorial sea adjacent to the United Kingdom until the co-ordinate numbered 1 in Table 2 of Part 3 of Schedule A1, and

(iii)then joining the co-ordinates numbered 1 to 3 in Table 2 of Part 3 of Schedule A1.

(3) In these Regulations, “the Welsh border” means a line—

(a)joining the co-ordinates numbered 1 to 8 in Table 1 of Part 4 of Schedule A1,

(b)then following the seaward limits of the territorial sea adjacent to Wales until the co-ordinate numbered 15 in Table 2 of Part 4 of Schedule A1, and

(c)then joining the co-ordinates numbered 15 to 1 in Table 2 of Part 4 of Schedule A1.

(4) In this regulation—

“co-ordinate” means a co-ordinate of latitude and longitude on the World Geodetic System 1984;

“Dividing Line” means the dividing line as defined in Article 1 of the Agreement between the United Kingdom and the Federal Republic of Germany relating to the Delimitation of the Continental Shelf under the North Sea between the two countries, signed in London on 25th November 1971(1);

“line” means a loxodromic line.

Offshore installations

4B.(1) In these Regulations, “offshore installation” means an installation or structure, other than a ship, situated in the waters of, or on or under the seabed in, the marine area and used for carrying on any of the following activities—

(a)the exploitation, or the exploration with a view to exploitation, of mineral resources in or under the shore or bed of waters in the marine area;

(b)the exploration of a place in, under or over such waters with a view to the storage of gas;

(c)the conversion of a place under the shore or bed of such waters for the purpose of storing gas;

(d)the storage of gas in, under or over such waters or the recovery of gas so stored;

(e)the unloading of gas at a place in, under or over such waters;

(f)the conveyance of things by means of a pipe, or system of pipes, constructed or placed on, in or under the shore or bed of such waters;

(g)the provision of accommodation for persons who work on or from an installation which is or has been maintained, or is intended to be established, for the carrying on of an activity in this paragraph.

(2) In paragraph (1)—

(a)“gas” means—

(i)gas as defined in section 2(4) of the Energy Act 2008(2), or

(ii)carbon dioxide;

(b)“installation” includes an installation as defined in section 16 of the Energy Act 2008;

(c)“ship” includes a hovercraft, submersible craft and any other floating craft but not a vessel which—

(i)permanently rests on or is permanently attached to the seabed, or

(ii)is an installation as defined in section 16 of the Energy Act 2008;

(d)references to storing gas include storing gas with a view to its permanent disposal. .


Treaty Series No. 7 (1973) Cmnd. 5192.