PART 6Calculation of tariffs and cost control

Calculation of initial tariffs: calculation of A35


This regulation provides for the calculation of A for the purposes of regulation 34(3)(a).


If the accredited domestic plant’s tariff start date is in a tariff period commencing on—


1st October 2014, A is the tariff for the tariff category for the accredited domestic plant (“the relevant tariff category”) set out in Schedule 5;


any date other than 1st October 2014 or 1st April of any year, A is the initial tariff for plants in the relevant tariff category with a tariff start date in the immediately preceding tariff period, published by the Authority under regulation 33(1)(a) (“C”); or


1st April (other than 1st April 2014), A is C multiplied by the percentage increase or decrease in the retail prices index for the immediately preceding calendar year (the resulting figure being stated to two decimal places and rounded to the nearest hundredth of a penny with any two hundredth of a penny being rounded upwards).