PART 7Ongoing obligations for participants

Ongoing obligations: annual declarations

41.  A participant (“P”) must submit a declaration each year to the Authority, at such time and in such form as the Authority may request, confirming—

(a)that P continues to own the accredited domestic plant;

(b)that, to the best of P’s knowledge and belief, no owner or previous owner of the accredited domestic plant has received—

(i)any grant from public funds for the cost of the purchase or installation of the accredited domestic plant other than any grant which was notified to the Authority before the accreditation application was determined; or

(ii)funding from any other source (other than under a loan or a Green Deal Plan for which an owner is liable to make, or has made, payments) which reimbursed all of the costs incurred by P, any other owner or any previous owner for the cost of the purchase or installation of the accredited domestic plant;

(c)that the accredited domestic plant is in good working order and has not been replaced with another plant, unless P has notified the Authority of the installation of that plant under regulation 40(1);

(d)the number of days on which the RHI property was occupied in the 12 month period ending on the date the declaration is given and the number of days on which P expects the property to be occupied in the next 12 months;

(e)if P does not live in the RHI property, that all occupants of the property have agreed to permit access to the property by the Authority, the Secretary of State or the Authority’s authorised agent for the purposes of carrying out any function under these Regulations; and

(f)where the Authority has provided a metering statement for the accredited domestic plant, that each eligible meter which is required under that statement is in good working order.