
SCHEDULE 7Requirements for metering and monitoring agreements

Requirements regarding the use of meters and other measuring instruments for metering and monitoring biomass boilers

3.  Where the agreement relates to an accredited domestic plant which is a metering and monitoring biomass boiler (“the plant”), the applicable requirements referred to in paragraph 1(b) are that the agreement requires that—

(a)eligible heat meters are installed to record the heat generated by the plant;

(b)eligible heat meters are installed to record the heat generated by any other plant which is connected to the same heat distribution system as the plant or, if it is not feasible to install eligible heat meters for this purpose, any other type of eligible meters which can be used to determine heat generated by the other plant are installed;

(c)temperature sensors are installed which enable the recording of the temperature of the liquid leaving the plant and returning to it, and those temperature sensors must form part of the eligible heat meter measuring the heat generated by the plant or be installed at the same location as that eligible heat meter;

(d)eligible electricity meters are installed to record—

(i)the electricity supplied to any component of the plant which is used to generate the heat which is recorded under sub-paragraph (a); and

(ii)if the plant is used to generate heat for the purpose of heating domestic hot water, the total electricity supplied to the domestic hot water system including the electrical consumption by any immersion element in a domestic hot water cylinder;

(e)temperature sensors are installed to measure—

(i)the indoor temperature in at least one room in the RHI property to which the accredited domestic plant provides heat; and

(ii)the external air temperature; and

(f)measuring equipment is installed to determine the efficiency of the plant.