The White Moss Landfill Order 2015

Water management and monitoring

13.—(1) No development, including dewatering activity, may commence until a scheme for the management and monitoring of groundwater and surface water levels, water abstraction, groundwater quality and site drainage has, following consultation with the Environment Agency, been approved by the county planning authority. The scheme must include:

(a)The size, location, method of construction and capacity of the attenuation lagoons;

(b)The anticipated discharge rates to the highway drainage system and the means of controlling that discharge rate; and

(c)Details for the monitoring of groundwater levels around the site during the period of active dewatering including locations and techniques of monitoring, data to be collected and means of reporting monitoring results to the county planning authority, including comparison with background pre-development levels.

(2) Any variation to the approved water management and monitoring scheme must be approved by the county planning authority in consultation with the Environment Agency.

(3) The approved scheme must be implemented and maintained throughout the authorised project until dewatering has ceased, the water table has recovered and restoration of the mineral void is complete in accordance with the plans listed in accordance with requirement 4.