


Electronic monitoring requirements

14.12.—(1) This rule applies where the court imposes electronic monitoring requirements, where available, as a condition of bail.

(2) The court officer must—

(a)inform the person responsible for the monitoring (‘the monitor’) of—

(i)the defendant’s name, and telephone number if available,

(ii)each offence with which the defendant is charged,

(iii)details of the place at which the defendant’s presence must be monitored,

(iv)the period or periods during which the defendant’s presence at that place must be monitored, and

(v)if fixed, the date on which the defendant must surrender to custody;

(b)inform the defendant and, where the defendant is under 16, an appropriate adult, of the monitor’s identity and the means by which the monitor may be contacted; and

(c)notify the monitor of any subsequent—

(i)variation or termination of the electronic monitoring requirements, or

(ii)fixing or variation of the date on which the defendant must surrender to custody.

[Note. Under section 3(6ZAA) of the Bail Act 1976(1), the conditions of bail that the court may impose include requirements for the electronic monitoring of a defendant’s compliance with other bail conditions, for example a curfew. Sections 3AA and 3AB of the 1976 Act(2) set out conditions for imposing such requirements.

Under section 3AC of the 1976 Act(3), where the court imposes electronic monitoring requirements they must provide for the appointment of a monitor.]


1976 c. 63; 1976 c. 63; section 3(6ZAA) was substituted, with sub-section (6ZAB), for sub-section (6ZAA) as inserted by section 131 of the Criminal Justice and Police Act 2001 (c. 16) by section 51 of, and paragraphs 1 and 2 of Schedule 11 to, the Criminal Justice and Immigration Act 2008 (c. 4) and amended by paragraphs 1 and 3 of Schedule 11 to the Legal Aid, Sentencing and Punishment of Offenders Act 2012 (c. 10).


1976 c. 63; section 3AA was inserted by section 131 of the Criminal Justice and Police Act 2001 (c. 16) and amended by sections 51 and 149 of, and paragraphs 1 and 3 of Schedule 11 to, and Part 4 of Schedule 28 to, the Criminal Justice and Immigration Act 2008 (c. 4) and paragraph 4 of Schedule 11 to the Legal Aid, Sentencing and Punishment of Offenders Act 2012 (c. 10).


1976 c. 63; section 3AC was inserted by section 51 of, and paragraphs 1 and 4 of Schedule 11 to, the Criminal Justice and Immigration Act 2008 (c. 4) and amended by paragraphs 1 and 7 of Schedule 11 to the Legal Aid, Sentencing and Punishment of Offenders Act 2012 (c. 10).