The Faculty Jurisdiction Rules 2015

  1. Introductory Text

  2. PART 1

    1. 1.1.Overriding objective

    2. 1.2.Application by the court of the overriding objective

    3. 1.3.Duty of the parties

    4. 1.4.Court’s duty to manage cases

    5. 1.5.Case management powers

  3. PART 2

    1. 2.1.Application of the Rules

    2. 2.2.Interpretation

    3. 2.3.Time

  4. PART 3

    1. 3.1.Scope and interpretation

    2. 3.2.Undertaking matters in List A without a faculty

    3. 3.3.Undertaking matters in List B without a faculty

    4. 3.4.Additional matters which may be undertaken without a faculty

    5. 3.5.Excluded matters – general

    6. 3.6.Excluded matters orders

    7. 3.7.Supplementary

  5. PART 4

    1. 4.1.Seeking the advice of the Diocesan Advisory Committee

    2. 4.2.Documents etc. to be submitted to the Diocesan Advisory Committee

    3. 4.3.Proposals involving changes to listed buildings: statements of significance and needs

    4. 4.4.Consultation with Historic England, amenity societies and the local planning authority in certain cases

    5. 4.5.Giving of Diocesan Advisory Committee’s advice

    6. 4.6.Interim faculties and interim injunctions and restoration orders

  6. PART 5

    1. 5.1.Parties to proceedings

    2. 5.2.How to start faculty proceedings – the petition

    3. 5.3.Form of petition

    4. 5.4.Content of petition

    5. 5.5.Documents etc. to accompany petition

    6. 5.6.Register of petitions

    7. 5.7.Display of petition and associated documents etc. in church

  7. PART 6

    1. 6.1.Requirement for public notice

    2. 6.2.Form of public notice

    3. 6.3.Display of public notice etc.

    4. 6.4.Directions by registrar as to public notice

    5. 6.5.Return of public notice to registrar

    6. 6.6.Exhumation, reservation of grave space and other special cases

    7. 6.7.Emergencies etc. – dispensing with giving of public notice

    8. 6.8.Interim faculties

  8. PART 7

    1. 7.1.Jurisdiction of consistory court exercised by chancellor

    2. 7.2.Chancellor to seek advice of Diocesan Advisory Committee

    3. 7.3.Reasons for grant of faculty or dismissal of petition

    4. 7.4.Issue of faculty

  9. PART 8

    1. 8.1.Removal of article to place of safety

    2. 8.2.Temporary minor re-ordering

    3. 8.3.Steps to be taken on expiry of licence for temporary minor re-ordering

  10. PART 9 etc.

    1. 9.1.Special notice

    2. 9.2.Publication of notice in newspaper etc.

    3. 9.3.Special notice to Historic England, amenity societies and the local planning authority

    4. 9.4.Graves and memorials maintained by the Commonwealth War Graves Commission

    5. 9.5.Representations or objection by body given special notice

    6. 9.6.Mandatory consultation with the Church Buildings Council

    7. 9.7.Discretionary consultation with the Church Buildings Council

    8. 9.8.Procedure for seeking and giving the Church Buildings Council’s advice

    9. 9.9.Works affecting character of listed building etc: publication of notice on diocesan website

    10. 9.10.Interim faculties

  11. PART 10

    1. 10.1.Interested persons

    2. 10.2.Objection by interested person

    3. 10.3.Procedure following receipt of letter of objection

    4. 10.4.Further proceedings where objector becomes party opponent

    5. 10.5.Further proceedings where objector does not become party opponent

    6. 10.6.Unopposed petitions

  12. PART 11

    1. 11.1.Giving directions

    2. 11.2.Matters on which directions may be given

    3. 11.3.Time and place of hearing

    4. 11.4.Witness statements

    5. 11.5.Expert reports

    6. 11.6.Inordinate delay etc. – intervention by provincial court

  13. PART 12

    1. 12.1.Hearings conducted as directed by the court

    2. 12.2.Evidence given orally

    3. 12.3.Other means of giving evidence

  14. PART 13

    1. 13.1.Evidence of non-parties generally

    2. 13.2.Evidence of the Church Buildings Council

    3. 13.3.Evidence of Historic England and national amenity societies

    4. 13.4.Judge’s witness

    5. 13.5.Witness statements

    6. 13.6.Notice to parties

    7. 13.7.Treatment of non-party witness

  15. PART 14

    1. 14.1.Conditions for disposal by written representations

    2. 14.2.Directions

    3. 14.3.Revocation of order for disposal by written representations

    4. 14.4.Inspection of church etc.

    5. 14.5.Determination

  16. PART 15

    1. 15.1.Scope and effect of interim faculties

    2. 15.2.Applications for interim faculties

    3. 15.3.Grant of interim faculties

  17. PART 16

    1. 16.1.Applicant

    2. 16.2.Form of application

    3. 16.3.Service of application

    4. 16.4.Evidence in response to application

    5. 16.5.Terms of injunction or restoration order etc.

    6. 16.6.Interim orders

    7. 16.7.Injunction or restoration order issued of court’s own initiative

    8. 16.8.Variation etc. of injunction or restoration order

    9. 16.9.Undertakings

  18. PART 17

    1. 17.1.Methods of service etc.

    2. 17.2.Meaning of ‘proper address’

    3. 17.3.Service through document exchange

    4. 17.4.Service by electronic means

    5. 17.5.Deemed time of submission, filing and service

  19. PART 18

    1. 18.1.The court’s general powers of case management

    2. 18.2.Registrar’s power to refer to chancellor

    3. 18.3.Court’s power to make order of its own initiative

  20. PART 19

    1. 19.1.General

    2. 19.2.Assessment of costs

    3. 19.3.Appeals against registrar’s assessment

    4. 19.4.Special citation of persons in default

    5. 19.5.Security for costs

  21. PART 20

    1. 20.1.Inspection of church etc.

    2. 20.2.Non-compliance

    3. 20.3.Amendment and setting aside in other circumstances

    4. 20.4.Clerk of the court

    5. 20.5.Procedural questions

    6. 20.6.Departure from prescribed forms

    7. 20.7.Electronic signatures

  22. PART 21

    1. 21.1.Application of Parts 21 to 27 to appeals

    2. 21.2.Interpretation of Parts 21 to 27

  23. PART 22

    1. 22.1.Appeals from consistory courts

    2. 22.2.Test for permission to appeal to provincial courts

    3. 22.3.Appeals from provincial courts

    4. 22.4.Review of findings of the Court of Ecclesiastical Causes Reserved

  24. PART 23

    1. 23.1.Appeal from consistory court – initial application to chancellor

    2. 23.2.Determination of initial application by chancellor

    3. 23.3.Permission to appeal – renewed application to the Dean

    4. 23.4.Determination of renewed application

    5. 23.5.Terms of permission to appeal

  25. PART 24

    1. 24.1.Permission granted by chancellor: filing and service of appeal documents

    2. 24.2.Permission granted by the Dean: service of appeal documents

    3. 24.3.Grounds of appeal

    4. 24.4.Respondent’s notice

    5. 24.5.Transfer of appeals

    6. 24.6.Determination of appeals

  26. PART 25

    1. 25.1.Notice of appeal

    2. 25.2.Service of appeal documents

    3. 25.3.Grounds of appeal

    4. 25.4.Respondent’s notice

    5. 25.5.Transfer of appeals

    6. 25.6.Determination of appeals

    7. 25.7.Registrars

  27. PART 26

    1. 26.1.Filing of petition

    2. 26.2.Appointment of Registrar of Commission of Review etc.

    3. 26.3.Service of petition

    4. 26.4.Respondent’s notice

  28. PART 27

    1. 27.1.Stay

    2. 27.2.Court files

    3. 27.3.Amendment of appeal notice

    4. 27.4.Withdrawal of appeal

    5. 27.5.Striking out grounds of appeal etc.

    6. 27.6.Addition of parties

    7. 27.7.Interveners

    8. 27.8.Appeal court’s powers

    9. 27.9.Interim orders in the provincial courts

    10. 27.10.Registrar’s power to refer to court

    11. 27.11.Hearing and determination of appeals

  29. PART 28

    1. 28.1.Citation and commencement

    2. 28.2.Revocation

    3. 28.3.Transitional provisions

  30. Signature


    1. SCHEDULE 1

      Matters which may be undertaken without a faculty

    2. SCHEDULE 2

      Consultation with Historic England, national amenity societies and the local planning authority

      1. 1.Timing of consultation

      2. 2.Historic England

      3. 3.National amenity societies

      4. 4.The local planning authority

      5. 5.Documents to accompany consultation

      6. 6.Information etc. to be provided to Diocesan Advisory Committee

    3. SCHEDULE 3


  32. Explanatory Note