PART 6Miscellaneous and general

Certification of plans and documents, etc.

42.—(1) The undertaker must, as soon as practicable after this Order is made, submit to the Secretary of State copies of the following—

(a)the book of reference, dated 27th January 2015 (REP-497(1));

(b)the environmental statement, dated March 2014 (APP-065 to APP-162);

(c)the offshore order limits and grid co-ordinates plan, dated 22nd January 2015 (REP-517);

(d)the onshore order limits and grid co-ordinates plan, dated 22nd September 2015 (REP-516);

(e)the offshore and onshore land plans—

(i)offshore land plans, dated 22nd January 2015 (REP-513);

(ii)onshore land plans—

(aa)sheet 1, dated August 2014 (REP-520);

(bb)sheet 2, dated February 2014 (REP-521);

(cc)sheet 3, dated August 2014 (REP-522);

(dd)sheet 4, dated September 2014 (REP-523);

(ee)sheet 5, dated September 2014 (REP-524);

(ff)sheet 6, dated September 2014 (REP-525);

(f)the onshore special category land plan (REP-526);

(g)the offshore works plans (sheets 1 to 9), dated 22nd January 2015 (REP-512);

(h)the onshore works plans—

(i)key plan, dated 20th March 2014 (APP-014);

(ii)sheets 1 to 6, dated 26th January 2015 (REP-518 and REP-519);

(i)the outline code of construction practice, dated 27th January 2015 (REP-493);

(j)the draft fisheries liaison plan, dated 8th December 2015 (REP-436);

(k)the offshore in principle monitoring plan, dated 27th January 2015 (REP-492);

(l)the disposal scenario statement, dated 23rd January 2015 (REP-489);

(m)the outline offshore archaeological written scheme of investigation, dated 27th January 2015 (REP-495);

(n)the outline offshore maintenance plan, dated 26th January 2015 (REP-490);

(o)the outline decommissioning statement (issue 6), dated 26th January 2015 (REP-491);

(p)the streets and public rights of way plan, dated January 2015 (REP-514 and REP-515);

(q)the Wilton protective provisions supporting plans, dated January 2015 (REP-505),

for certification that they are true copies of the documents referred to in this Order.

(2) A plan or document so certified is admissible in any proceedings as evidence of the contents of the document of which it is a copy.