The Dogger Bank Teesside A and B Offshore Wind Farm Order 2015

Construction monitoring

19.—(1) The undertaker must, in discharging Condition 13(b), submit details for approval by the MMO of any proposed surveys or monitoring, including methodologies and timings, to be carried out during the construction of the authorised scheme.

(2) The detailed construction and monitoring programme referred to in Condition 13(b) must be submitted at least 4 months before commencement of any survey works and provide the agreed reports in the agreed format in accordance with the agreed timetable. The survey proposals must be in accordance with the principles set out in the offshore in principle monitoring plan and must specify each survey’s objectives.

(3) The construction surveys must, where driven or part-driven pile foundations (for each specific foundation type) are proposed to be used, comprise measurements of noise generated by the installation of 1 pile from each of the first 4 structures with piled foundations, following which the MMO must determine whether further noise monitoring is required. The results of the initial noise measurements must be provided to the MMO within 6 weeks of the installation of the first relevant foundation piece. The assessment of this report by the MMO must determine whether any further noise monitoring is required.

(4) The undertaker must carry out and complete the surveys to be undertaken under sub-paragraph (1) in a timescale agreed by the MMO.