PART 11Records and information

Annual return and review70


The contractor must submit to the Board an annual return relating to the agreement which must require the same categories of information to be provided by all persons who hold agreements with the Board.


The Board may request a return relating to the agreement at any time during each financial year in relation to such period (not including any period covered by a previous annual return) as may be specified in the request.


The contractor must submit the completed return to the Board—


by such date as has been agreed as reasonable between the contractor and the Board; or


in the absence of such agreement, before the end of the period of 28 days beginning with the date on which the request was made.


Following receipt of the return referred to in paragraph (1), the Board must arrange with the contractor an annual review of its performance in relation to the agreement.


The Board must prepare a draft record of the review referred to in paragraph (2) for comment by the contractor and, having regard to such comments, must produce a final written record of the review.


The Board must send a copy of the final record of the review referred to in paragraph (5) to the contractor.