PART 8Payments to discharge the renewables obligation, dealing with the buy-out and late payment funds, and mutualisation

Payments to be made by suppliers towards the total mutualisation sum74


Where a relevant shortfall has occurred in relation to the relevant period, as soon as reasonably practicable after the 31st October in the settlement period the Authority must notify each relevant supplier of—


the amount of the shortfall,


the total mutualisation sum, and


the payment which that supplier is required to make under paragraph (3).


Where the Authority notifies relevant suppliers under paragraph (1) it must publish a notice stating the amount of the shortfall in relation to the relevant period and the total mutualisation sum.


Where a relevant shortfall has occurred in relation to the relevant period, each relevant supplier must make a payment to the Authority (a “supplier payment”).


The supplier payment for each relevant supplier is equal to


T is the total mutualisation sum,


E is the number of UK ROCs that the supplier, if it had made no payments under article 67 or 68, would have had to produce to the Authority in order for it to have discharged its renewables obligation for the relevant period in full, and


F is the total number of UK ROCs that all relevant suppliers, if none of them had made payments under articles 67 or 68 would have had to produce in order for each of them to discharge their renewables obligation for the relevant period in full.


Subject to article 75, each relevant supplier must make its supplier payment in the following instalments (“instalment payments”)—


25% of the supplier payment required must be paid to the Authority before 1st September in the mutualisation period;


25% of the supplier payment must be paid to the Authority before 1st December in that period;


25% of the supplier payment must be paid to the Authority before 1st March in that period; and


25% of the supplier payment must be paid to the Authority before 1st June immediately following that period.


Where a person required to make a supplier payment—


fails to make payment in full, and


at any time during or after the end of the relevant period ceases to hold a licence to supply electricity under section 6(1) of the Act M1,

sections 25 to 28 of the Act M2 are to apply in respect of that person in respect of the obligations imposed by this article, as if that person still held a licence to supply electricity.