PART 8Payments to discharge the renewables obligation, dealing with the buy-out and late payment funds, and mutualisation

Payments to be made to suppliers out of the mutualisation fund77


The Authority must pay out the mutualisation fund to compliant UK suppliers in accordance with paragraphs (2) to (6).


When there is money in it, the mutualisation fund is to be paid out by—


1st November in the mutualisation period;


1st February in that period;


1st May immediately following that period; and


1st August immediately following that period.


On each occasion the mutualisation fund is paid out, each compliant UK supplier must be paid a proportion of the mutualisation fund.


The proportion referred to in paragraph (3) is A ÷ K where—


A is the number of UK ROCs produced by the compliant UK supplier to the Authority or Northern Ireland authority in order to discharge (in whole or in part) any UK renewables obligation to which it was subject in the relevant period, and


K is the total number of UK ROCs produced by all compliant UK suppliers to the Authority or Northern Ireland authority in order to discharge (in whole or in part) any UK renewables obligation to which they were subject in that period.


Where any amount to be paid under this article is not a whole number when expressed in terms of pounds sterling, it is to be rounded down to the nearest pound sterling.


Where following the making of a payment to compliant UK suppliers the Authority continues, by virtue of the operation of paragraph (5), to hold any sum which otherwise would have been paid out under this article—


the Authority must pay out that sum along with the next payment to be made under this article in respect of the relevant period; or


where there are no further payments to be made under this article in respect of the relevant period that sum is to be retained by the Authority and is to constitute part of the buy-out fund held in the obligation period immediately following the mutualisation period.