Duty on regulator5


The regulator must exercise its permitting functions for the purposes in paragraph (2).


The purposes are—


to ensure that the permit for each plant listed in the Transitional National Plan contains a TNP provision, unless it is a plant in respect of which—


a notice of closure has been received under regulation 8(1)(a);


a notice of variation has been received under regulation 8(1)(b); or


the operator has given notice to the regulator that the plant should be exempted from inclusion in the Transitional National Plan under Article 33 (limited life time derogation);


to ensure that the operator of a participating plant notifies the regulator of any closure, or any variation of the operation of that plant which will cause it not to be a large combustion plant; and


to ensure that the operator of a participating plant does not operate the plant so as to exceed the emission allowance for a calendar year as recorded on the register under paragraph 4 of Schedule 1 in respect of that plant, subject to any transfer of emission allowance in respect of that plant recorded under paragraph 5(a) of that Schedule.