Article 2
A nationally significant infrastructure project as defined in sections 14 and 22(1) of the 2008 Act, and associated development within the meaning of section 115(2) of the 2008 Act, comprising:
Work No. 1 – construction of a highway 3.8 kilometres in length being a single carriageway road from the A197 Whorral Bank roundabout, westward to the A1 trunk road south of Fairmoor, to include—
modification of the existing Whorral Bank roundabout to connect in the new road;
the construction of a drain and drainage basin to accommodate intermittent flow from the small tributary of the River Wansbeck at Pegswood Moor;
the construction of a bridge over the How Burn tributary of the River Wansbeck;
the construction of a new roundabout west of How Burn to provide future access to the St. George’s Hospital development site;
the construction of a drainage pond and associated works adjacent to the westbound carriageway in the vicinity of the roundabout west of How Burn;
the construction of a bridge where the proposed road crosses the existing Fulbeck Lane (U6010);
the construction of a bridge over the Cotting Burn tributary of the River Wansbeck;
the construction of a new roundabout at Northgate to connect to the existing highway network (A192) at Lane End;
the construction of a drain and drainage basin to the south of the new roundabout at Northgate adjacent to the A192;
the construction of an all movements grade separated junction at the A1 trunk road west of Lancaster Park including two roundabouts one each side of the A1 trunk road in dumbbell configuration connected beneath the A1 trunk road by the St. Leonard’s underpass and together with linking slip roads to access and egress the A1 trunk road;
the construction of a single carriageway link from the proposed grade separated junction at the A1 westward to St. Leonard’s Lane;
the construction of a 2.5 metre wide shared use footway and cycle track with additional 2 metre grass verge separated from the carriageway on the south side of the new road;
the construction of an open ditch drain and drainage basin connecting to Benridge Burn;
the creation of earthworks and the establishment of planting to mitigate adverse impacts along the route of the road;
creation of private means of access to premises and farm land at various locations in the vicinity of the route;
the creation of two dedicated bus laybys one on either side of the carriageway west of the new roundabout at Northgate;
the creation of two additional laybys for use by all vehicles one on either side of the carriageway east of St. George’s roundabout (eastbound) and west of Whorral Bank roundabout (westbound); and
the construction of a drain and drainage basin adjacent to Cotting Burn.
Work No. 2 – demolition of buildings and property known as Rose Cottage, Fulbeck Lane.
Work No. 3 – offline diversion and lowering of a 36-inch steel water main (NWL Southern Trunk Main) through East Lane End Farm land.
Work No. 4 – construction work for diversion of public footpaths from Lancaster Park to St. Leonard’s Lane and north of Morpeth to Hebron.
Work No. 5 – removal of existing carriageway surfacing and replacement with topsoil and grass on existing A1 slip roads to and from the A192.
And in connection with such works further development within the Order limits consisting of—
ramps, means of access, footpaths and bridleways;
embankments, abutments, foundations, retaining walls, drainage, highway lighting, fencing, cuttings, viaducts, aprons and culverts;
works to alter the position of apparatus, including mains, sewers, drains and cables;
works to alter the course of or otherwise interfere with a watercourse other than a navigable watercourse;
landscaping and other works to mitigate any adverse effects of the construction, maintenance or operation of the authorised development;
works for the benefit of land affected by the authorised development;
works required for the strengthening, improvement, maintenance or reconstruction of any streets and for the provision of all necessary permanent traffic signs; and
such other works including contractors compounds, working sites, storage areas and works of demolition as may be necessary or expedient for the purposes of or in connection with the authorised development.
The authorised development was a nationally significant infrastructure project for the purposes of section 22 as at the date of application in relation to this Order (15 July 2013). Section 22 was subsequently substituted by SI 2013/1883, which came into force on 25 July 2013.