Construction traffic17


The authorised development must not commence until a detailed traffic management plan has been submitted to and approved by the relevant planning authority in consultation with the highway authority for the highway in question.


The approved traffic management plan must include details of the preferred routing for all delivery and construction traffic as shown on approved development plans HE092631/0/A197/01/51 Rev.A, HE092631/0/A197/1/56 Rev.D, HE092631/0/A197/01/57 and HE092631/0/A197/01/130, a schedule and timing of vehicular movements, details of escorts for abnormal loads, the form of the notices mentioned at sub-paragraph (3) and details of any temporary directional and warning signage to be installed.


The approved traffic management plan must provide that notices in a form approved by the relevant planning authority are to be installed and maintained throughout the construction of the authorised development at every entrance and exit to or from the land within the Order limits indicating to drivers the route specified in the traffic management plan for traffic entering and leaving the land within the Order limits.


The approved traffic management plan must be complied with throughout the construction of the authorised development.