Protected species and nature conservation during construction
The authorised development must not commence until a Construction Ecological Management Plan (describing the protective measures to be implemented for wildlife species and habitats protected by law and taking into account the requirements of the CEMP and the environmental statement) has been submitted to and approved by the relevant planning authority.
The Construction Ecological Management Plan must include—
a summary of the scheme location, description and timing of construction works, and potential impacts as described in the environmental statement;
a map and record of checking surveys for protected species within the land within the Order limits;
method statements for pre-construction surveys (to include: bats, red squirrel, reptiles, barn owl, water vole, otter, and badgers);
details of ecological mitigation, including timing and working techniques, to minimise the risk of adversely affecting any protected species or habitats identified within the land within the Order limits and confirmed as requiring protection through legislation or following best practice guidance prevailing at the time of construction;
a description of proposals for ecological and species monitoring; and
details of the mitigation measures to be implemented for wildlife species and habitats protected by law (barn owl, bats, otters, breeding birds, badgers, and any other protected species or habitat identified during pre-construction surveys and not identified previously as requiring mitigation) which have been submitted to and approved by the relevant planning authority.
The map and record of checking surveys for protected species mentioned in sub-paragraph (1)(b) must derive from information which is not more than 2 years old at the time when the Construction Ecological Management Plan is submitted to the relevant planning authority.
The authorised development is to take place only in accordance with the approved Construction Ecological Management Plan.