The Armed Forces and Reserve Forces (Compensation Scheme) (Amendment) Order 2015


(This note is not part of the Order)

This Order amends the Armed Forces and Reserve Forces (Compensation Scheme) Order 2011(“the principal Order”) which provides for benefits to be payable to or in respect of a person by reason of injury, illness or death, which is caused (wholly or partly) by service in the regular or reserve armed forces.

Part 2 amends the principal Order to take into account the introduction of a new pension scheme for the armed forces established by the Armed Forces Pension Regulations 2014. This Part also amends the exclusions for payment of benefit, where injury or death is caused by one of a number of factors, by introducing the need for the death or injury to be predominantly caused by one of those factors rather than partly so caused. Additionally this Part increases the amount of the armed forces independence payment.

Part 3 amends the schedules to the principal Order to take account of the new pension scheme for the armed forces. This Part also introduces a new category of injury into schedule 3, table 9 and amends the descriptions of other injuries.