SCHEDULE 2Requirements and matters to be addressed by safety management systems

Regulation 7


A safety management system must—


be proportionate to the hazards, industrial activities and complexity of the organisation in the establishment;


be based on assessment of the risks;


include within its scope the general management system, including the organisational structure, responsibilities, practices, procedures, processes and resources for determining and implementing the major accident prevention policy.


The following matters must be addressed by the safety management system—


in relation to the organisation and personnel—


the roles and responsibilities of personnel involved in the management of major hazards at all levels in the organisation, together with the measures taken to raise awareness of the need for continuous improvement;


the identification of the training needs of such personnel and the provision of the training;


the involvement of employees and of subcontracted personnel working in the establishment, who are important from the point of view of safety;


the identification and evaluation of major hazards: the adoption and implementation of procedures for systematically identifying major hazards arising from normal and abnormal operation, including subcontracted activities where applicable, and the assessment of their likelihood and severity;


in relation to operational control—


the adoption and implementation of procedures and instructions for safe operation, including maintenance, of plant, processes and equipment, and for alarm management and temporary stoppages;


the taking into account of available information on best practices for monitoring and control, with a view to reducing the risk of system failure;


the management and control of the risks associated with ageing equipment installed in the establishment and its corrosion;


the inventory of the establishment’s equipment, and the strategy and methodology for the monitoring and control of the condition of the equipment;


appropriate follow up actions and any necessary counter-measures;


the management of change: the adoption and implementation of procedures for planning modifications to, or the design of new installations, processes or storage facilities;


in relation to planning for emergencies—


the adoption and implementation of procedures to identify foreseeable emergencies by systematic analysis;


the preparation, testing and review of emergency plans to respond to emergencies and the provision of specific training for staff, such training to be given to all personnel working in the establishment, including relevant subcontracted personnel;


in relation to monitoring performance—


the adoption and implementation of procedures for the ongoing assessment of compliance with the objectives set by the operator’s major accident prevention policy and safety management system, and the mechanisms for investigation and taking corrective action in case of non-compliance;


the procedures must cover the operator’s system for reporting major accidents or ‘near misses’, particularly those involving failure of protective measures, and their investigation and follow-up on the basis of lessons learned;


the procedures could also include performance indicators such as safety performance indicators (SPIs) and/or other relevant indicators;


in relation to audit and review—


the adoption and implementation of procedures for periodic systematic assessment of the major accident prevention policy and the effectiveness and suitability of the safety management system;


the documented review of performance of the policy and safety management system and its updating by senior management, including consideration and incorporation of necessary changes indicated by the audit and review.