2015 No. 52
Health Care And Associated Professions
Nurses And Midwives

The Nursing and Midwifery Council (Fitness to Practise) (Education, Registration and Registration Appeals) (Amendment) Rules Order of Council 2015

Laid before Parliament
Coming into force

At the Court Council Chamber, Whitehall, the 21st day of January 2015

By the Lords of Her Majesty’s Most Honourable Privy Council

The Nursing and Midwifery Council has made the Nursing and Midwifery Council (Fitness to Practise) (Education, Registration and Registration Appeals) (Amendment) Rules 2014, as set out in the Schedule to this Order, in exercise of the powers conferred by articles 7(1) and (2), 9(1) and (2), 10(1), 12A(4) to (7), 22(5), 26(2) to (5), 26A(1), 26B, 26C(1), 37(4) and (5) and 47(2) of the Nursing and Midwifery Order 20011.

In accordance with article 47(3) of the Nursing and Midwifery Order 2001 the Nursing and Midwifery Council has consulted representatives of groups of persons who appear likely to be affected by the proposed rules.

In accordance with articles 47(1) and 48 of that Order the Rules shall not come into force until approved by Order of the Privy Council.

Citation and commencement1.

This Order may be cited as the Nursing and Midwifery Council (Fitness to Practise) (Education, Registration and Registration Appeals) (Amendment) Rules Order of Council 2015 and comes into force on 9th March 2015.

Privy Council approval2.

Their Lordships, having taken the Rules into consideration, are pleased to, and do approve them.

Richard Tilbrook
Clerk of the Privy Council

SCHEDULEThe Nursing and Midwifery Council (Fitness to Practise) (Education, Registration and Registration Appeals) (Amendment) Rules 2014

Article 2

The Nursing and Midwifery Council makes the following Rules in exercise of the powers conferred under articles 7(1) and (2), 9(1) and (2), 10(1), 12A(4) to (7), 22(5), 26(2) to (5), 26A(1), 26B, 26C(1), 37(4) and (5) and 47(2) of the Nursing and Midwifery Order 2001, having consulted in accordance with article 47(3) of that Order.

PART IPreliminaries

Citation and commencement


These Rules may be cited as the Nursing and Midwifery Council (Fitness to Practise) (Education, Registration and Registration Appeals) (Amendment) Rules 2014 and come into force on 9th March 2015.

PART IIAmendment of the Nursing and Midwifery Council (Fitness to Practise) Rules 2004


The Nursing and Midwifery Council (Fitness to Practise) Rules 20042 are amended as follows.


In rule 2 (interpretation)3 at the appropriate place in the alphabetical order insert—

““Case Examiner” means a professional or lay officer of the Council appointed by the Registrar for the purposes of exercising the functions of the Investigating Committee in accordance with article 26A of the Order, and “Case Examiners” means the professional and lay Case Examiner to whom an allegation is referred under rule 2A(2) and includes any replacement Case Examiner appointed by the Registrar;”;

“lay”, in relation to a Case Examiner, means a person who—


is not and never has been a registered nurse or midwife (and article 5(5) does not apply for these purposes);


is not and never has been a registered medical practitioner; and


does not hold qualifications which would entitle them to apply for registration as a registered nurse, a registered midwife or a registered medical practitioner;

“professional”, in relation to a Case Examiner, means a registered nurse or midwife;”.


In Part 2 (Investigating Committee), for the heading “Investigating Committee” substitute “Investigation of Allegations”.


Before rule 3 (notice provisions) insert—

“Initial consideration of allegations2A.


Where the Registrar considers that an allegation falls within article 22(1)(b) of the Order, the Registrar must refer the allegation to the Investigating Committee for consideration under rule 5.


Where the Registrar considers that an allegation falls within article 22(1)(a) of the Order, the Registrar must refer the allegation to the Case Examiners for consideration under rule 6C.


Where the Registrar considers that an allegation does not fall within article 22(1)(a) of the Order, the Registrar must notify the maker of the allegation (if any).


The Registrar may carry out any investigations as in the Registrar’s opinion are appropriate to the consideration of—


whether or not the allegation falls within article 22(1)(a) of the Order;


whether or not the allegation falls within article 22(1)(b) of the Order;


the registrant’s fitness to practise; or


the registrant’s entry in the register.”.


In rule 34


for the heading substitute “Notice of allegations of fraudulent or incorrect entries in the register”;


for paragraph (1) substitute—


Where an allegation is referred under rule 2A(1), the Registrar shall, in accordance with article 26(2)(a) of the Order, notify the registrant of any allegation referred to the Investigating Committee, by serving a notice of referral upon her.”;


in paragraph (2)(b) for “Council” substitute “Registrar”;


after paragraph (2)(d) add—


invite the registrant to inform the Registrar within 28 days from the date of service of the notice of referral if the registrant wishes the allegation to be considered at a hearing.”;


after paragraph (2) add—


The Registrar shall give notice of the referral made under paragraph 2A(1) to the following—


where known, the registrant’s employer or any other person with whom the registrant has an arrangement to provide services in, or in relation to, nursing or midwifery;


where known, any other body by which the registrant is authorised to practise a health or social care profession;


the Secretary of State, the Scottish Ministers, the National Assembly for Wales and the Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety in Northern Ireland; and


where the registrant is a practising midwife, the midwife’s local supervising authority.”.


Omit rule 4 (procedure of the Investigating Committee where the allegation relates to impairment of fitness to practise)5.


For rule 5 (procedure of the Investigating Committee where the allegation relates to a fraudulent or incorrect entry in the register)6 substitute—

“Procedure of the Investigating Committee where the allegation relates to a fraudulent or incorrect entry in the register5.




the registrant asks for a hearing within the period specified in rule 3(2)(e); or


the Registrar considers that a hearing is desirable,

the Investigating Committee must consider the allegation at a hearing.


Where a hearing is to be held pursuant to paragraph (1), the Registrar must send a notice to the registrant no later than 28 days before the date fixed for the hearing.


The notice of hearing must—


inform the registrant of the date, time and venue of the hearing;


contain a charge particularising the allegation, and the alleged facts upon which the allegation is based;


inform the registrant of the registrant’s right to attend, and to be represented at, the hearing in accordance with rule 20;


inform the registrant of the Committee’s power to proceed with the hearing in the registrant’s absence;


inform the registrant of the registrant’s right to adduce evidence in accordance with rule 31;


inform the registrant of the registrant’s right to call witnesses, and to cross examine any witnesses called by the Council or by the Committee;


require the registrant to inform the Council, within 14 days of receipt of the notice, whether the registrant intends to—


attend the hearing,


be represented at the hearing;


inform the registrant of the Committee’s power to impose an interim order under article 26(11) of the Order; and


inform the registrant of the action the Committee may take under article 26(2)(d)(ii), (7) and (8) of the Order.


Where a hearing is to be held pursuant to paragraph (1), the Investigating Committee—


may hold a preliminary meeting in accordance with rule 18; and


must determine the matter in accordance with the procedure set out in Part 5 of these Rules, and must dispose of the matter in accordance with article 26(2)(d)(ii), (7), (8) and (11) of the Order.


Where the registrant has not requested a hearing and the Registrar considers that no hearing is necessary—


the Registrar must invite any person who, in the Registrar’s opinion, has an interest in the proceedings to submit written representations within such time as the Registrar may direct; and


the Investigating Committee shall meet in private and, notwithstanding the absence of any representations invited in accordance with sub-paragraph (a), dispose of the matter in accordance with article 26(2)(d)(ii), (7), (8) and (11) of the Order.


The Registrar must notify, in writing, the registrant and the person making the allegation (if any) of the Investigating Committee’s decision together with its reasons.”.


Omit rule 6 (notice of decision)7.


After rule 6 insert—

“Notice of fitness to practise allegations6A.


Where an allegation is referred to Case Examiners under rule 2A(2), the Registrar must notify the registrant of that allegation and referral by serving a notice of referral on the registrant.


The notice of referral must—


be accompanied by any documents relating to the allegation that have not previously been disclosed to the registrant by the Council or a Practice Committee;


invite the registrant to make written representations, to be received by the Registrar no later than 28 days after the date of the notice;


unless the allegation is made by virtue of article 22(6) of the Order, inform the registrant that any representations or extracts of any representations received from the registrant may be shown to the person making the allegation for comment; and


inform the registrant that further information may be sought from other persons in accordance with article 25(1) of the Order or investigations undertaken to assist the Case Examiners in carrying out their functions.

Investigation of Fitness to Practise allegations6B.


The Registrar may carry out any investigations, whether or not any have been carried out under rule 2A(4), as in the Registrar’s opinion are appropriate to the consideration of the allegation by the Case Examiners.


The Registrar may, in the case of an allegation that the registrant’s fitness to practise is impaired by reason of lack of competence, invite the registrant to submit to an assessment.


The Registrar may, in the case of an allegation that the registrant’s fitness to practise is impaired by reason of the registrant’s physical or mental health, invite the registrant to submit to a medical examination by experts appointed by the Council.


Before any decision is made by the Case Examiners as to whether or not there is a case to answer in respect of an allegation that the registrant’s fitness to practise is impaired, the Registrar must send any information or documents obtained pursuant to this rule to the registrant and invite the registrant to make written representations to be received by the Registrar no later than 28 days after the date on which such documents are sent.

Consideration of fitness to practise allegations by Case Examiners6C.


Where an allegation is referred under rule 2A(2), the Case Examiners must consider, in the light of the information which the Council has been able to obtain and any representations or other observations made to it under rule 6A(2) or under rule 6B(4), whether there is a case to answer.


Where the Case Examiners agree that there is a case to answer—


the Case Examiners must refer the case to—


the Health Committee in the case of an allegation of a kind mentioned in article 22(1)(a)(iv) of the Order, or


the Conduct and Competence Committee, in the case of an allegation of any other kind mentioned in article 22(1)(a) of the Order; and


the Registrar must notify in writing both the registrant and the person making the allegation (if any) of the decision of the Case Examiners together with their reasons.


Where the Case Examiners agree that there is no case to answer, the Registrar must notify in writing—


the registrant and the person making the allegation (if any) of the decision of the Case Examiners together with their reasons;


the registrant, that the allegation may be taken into account in the consideration of any further allegation about the registrant, received by the Council within three years from the date of the Case Examiners’ decision that there is no case to answer.


Where the Case Examiners fail to agree whether there is a case to answer, they must notify the Registrar accordingly, and the Registrar must refer the allegation to the Investigating Committee for consideration under rule 6D.


If, during their consideration of the allegation, one or both of the Case Examiners is of the opinion that the Investigating Committee should consider making an interim order in relation to the registrant, the Case Examiners must direct the Registrar accordingly.

Consideration of fitness to practise allegations by the Investigating Committee6D.


Where an allegation has been referred to the Investigating Committee under rule 6C(4), the Committee—


may direct the Registrar to carry out any investigations as the Committee considers appropriate to the consideration of the allegation;


must direct the Registrar to send any information or documents obtained pursuant to this rule to the registrant and invite the registrant to make written representations to be received by the Registrar no later than 28 days after the date on which these documents are sent;


must consider, in the light of the information which the Registrar has been able to obtain under this rule or rule 2A(4), 6B(1), (2) or (3) and any representations or other observations made to it under rule 6A(2) or 6B(4), whether there is a case to answer.


Upon consideration of an allegation under paragraph (1), the Committee may—


determine that there is no case to answer and that the allegation should not proceed further; or


refer the case to—


the Health Committee in the case of an allegation of a kind mentioned in article 22(1)(a)(iv), or


the Conduct and Competence Committee in the case of an allegation of any other kind mentioned in article 22(1)(a) of the Order.


Where the Committee determines that there is no case to answer, the Registrar must notify in writing—


the registrant and the person making the allegation (if any) of the decision of the Committee together with its reasons;


the registrant, that the allegation may be taken into account in the consideration of any further allegation about the registrant, received by the Council within three years from the date of the Committee’s decision that there is no case to answer.


The Investigating Committee shall meet in private to consider an allegation referred to it under this rule.”.


In rule 7 (reconsideration of allegation after a finding of no case to answer)—


in paragraph (1) for sub-paragraph (a) substitute—


the Case Examiners or the Investigating Committee have considered an allegation that the registrant’s fitness to practise is impaired and decided that there is no case to answer in respect of that allegation; and”;


in paragraph (2) immediately before “the Investigating Committee” insert “the Case Examiners or”.


After rule 7 insert

“Review of decisions7A.


All or part of a decision by the Case Examiners or the Investigating Committee that there is no case to answer in respect of an allegation that a registrant’s fitness to practise is impaired (a “no case to answer decision”) may, if reached on or after 9th March 2015, be reviewed by the Registrar under this rule.


The Registrar may carry out such a review if the Registrar—


has reason to believe that the no case to answer decision may, in whole or in part and for any reason, be materially flawed and considers that a review would be in the public interest; or


has reason to believe that there is new information which may have led to a decision that is wholly or partly different from the no case to answer decision and considers that a review would be in the public interest.


Where the Registrar decides to carry out such a review, the Registrar must—


notify the registrant, the maker of the allegation (if any) and any other person who, in the opinion of the Registrar has an interest in it, of that decision;


notify the registrant, the maker of the allegation (if any) and any other person who, in the opinion of the Registrar, has an interest in the no case to answer decision of any new information and where appropriate, provide them with that information; and


seek representations from those persons.


The notification referred to in sub-paragraphs (a) and (b) of paragraph (3) must be in writing and, in the case of the notification referred to in sub-paragraph (a), must give reasons for the Registrar’s decision.


As part of such a review, the Registrar may carry out any investigations which the Registrar considers appropriate for the purposes of making a decision on the review of the no case to answer decision.


Where, as a result of the review, taking into account any information or representations referred to in paragraph (3) and such other matters as the Registrar considers appropriate, the Registrar decides that—


all or part of the no case to answer decision was materially flawed and that a fresh decision is required in the public interest; or


the new information referred to in paragraph (2)(b) would have probably led wholly or partly to a different decision and that a fresh decision is required in the public interest,

the Registrar must take one of the decisions referred to in paragraph (7).


Those decisions are—


to substitute, for all or part of the no case to answer decision, any decision which the Case Examiners or the Investigating Committee could have made under Part 2 of these rules; or


to refer to the Case Examiners for reconsideration by them under rule 6C, an allegation that a registrant’s fitness to practise is impaired.


Where, following the review, the Registrar decides otherwise than in paragraph (6), the Registrar must confirm the no case to answer decision.


Having taken one of the decisions referred to in paragraph (7) or having decided in accordance with paragraph (8), the Registrar must, as soon as reasonably practicable after having done so and in writing, notify—


the registrant;


the maker of the allegation (if any); and


any other person who, in the opinion of the Registrar, has an interest in receiving the notification,

of the decision taken and the reasons for it.


Save in exceptional circumstances, the Registrar must not commence a review of a no case to answer decision more than one year after the date of that decision.”.


In rule 8 (notice and procedure)8


in paragraph (2), for “rule 5(8)” substitute “rule 5(2)”;


in paragraph (3)(c) for “rule 5(9)(a) and (c) to (f)” substitute “rule 5(3)(a) and (c) to (f)”.

PART IIIAmendment of the Nursing and Midwifery Council (Education, Registration and Registration Appeals) Rules 2004


The Nursing and Midwifery (Education, Registration and Registration Appeals) Rules 20049 are amended as follows.


After rule 5 (application for admission to part of the register) insert—

“Provision of information5A.

The Registrar may request from any person such information as the Registrar may reasonably require for the purposes of determining whether, if the applicant’s application for admission to the register is accepted, there will be in force in relation to that applicant, an indemnity arrangement providing appropriate cover.”.


In rule 13(1), (renewal of registration)10 after sub-paragraph (c), add—


such other documents, information or evidence as the Registrar may have reasonably requested for the purpose of verifying the information in, and determining the application for renewal.”.


After rule 13 insert—

“Provision of information13A.

The Registrar may request from any person such information as the Registrar may reasonably require for the purposes of determining whether, if the registrant’s registration is renewed, there will be in force in relation to that registrant, an indemnity arrangement providing appropriate cover.”.


In rule 14 (lapse of registration)11 in paragraph (4) for “rule 12A or 13” substitute “rule 12A, 13 or 15A(4)”.


After rule 15 (readmission to the register) insert—

“Payment of fees15A.


A person may, with the agreement of the Registrar, pay any prescribed fee for—


registration as provided in rule 5 or rule 8;


retention as provided in rule 12A;


renewal as provided in rule 13;


readmission as provided in rule 15; or


restoration as provided in article 33 of the Order,

in such instalments and by such means of payment as the Registrar may determine.


For the purpose of paragraph (1) the Registrar may determine—


the amount of each instalment and the date on which each instalment is to be paid (with the final instalment due on a date no later than 11 months beginning with the date on which the prescribed fee was due); and


that payment will be made by direct debit or by such other means of payment.


Where it has been agreed in accordance with paragraph (1) that any prescribed fee will be paid in instalments—


the Registrar may make, retain, renew, readmit or restore a register entry once the first such instalment has been so paid; and


references in these Rules to an application being accompanied by the relevant fee, supported by payment of the appropriate fee, or payment of such a fee having been received, shall be construed as if they were references to a direct debit mandate (or such other form of written payment authorisation as the Registrar may determine), being received in respect of those fees.




in accordance with this rule any prescribed fee is to be paid in instalments; and


following the payment of the first instalment and the making, retention, renewal readmission or restoration of a register entry, any subsequent instalment is not paid by the date on which it is due,

the Registrar will send a notice to the registrant stating that, if payment is not received within 14 days (beginning with the day on which the Registrar sent the notice) the registrant’s name may be removed from the register, and if no such payment is made, the Registrar may remove the registrant’s name from the register.”.


In rule 16 (amendments to the Register)—


after paragraph (1) insert—


A registrant must inform the Registrar—


if there is not, or will not be in force in relation to that registrant, appropriate cover under an indemnity arrangement; and


the date on which the appropriate cover under an indemnity arrangement ceased or will cease to be in force.”;


in paragraph (2)(a) after “under paragraph (1)” insert “or paragraph (1A)”.


After rule 16 insert—

“Evidence in connection with indemnity arrangements16A.


The Registrar may, by notice to a registrant specifying a period within which the registrant must comply, request that the registrant provide—


evidence that there is, or will be in force in relation to the registrant, appropriate cover under an indemnity arrangement;


details of the nature and scope of the registrant’s practice; and


the name and address of—


any person, body or organisation by whom the registrant is employed, or intends to be employed as a nurse or midwife,


any person, body or organisation with whom the registrant has an arrangement, or intends to have an arrangement to provide services as a nurse or midwife.


The Registrar may request such other documents and information as the Registrar may reasonably require for the purposes of verifying the evidence provided in accordance with paragraph (1).”.


In rule 25 (consideration by the Appeal Panel)12


before paragraph (3)(a) insert—


a person who is appointed to act as a chair of a Practice Committee in accordance with rule 7 of the Nursing and Midwifery Council (Midwifery and Practice Committees) (Constitution) Rules 200813 to act as chair of the Appeal Panel;”;


omit paragraphs (3)(c) and (4).


In Schedule 3 (application for admission to a part of the register)14 after paragraph (h) add—


details of the nature and scope of the applicant’s practice;


the name and address of—


any person, body or organisation by whom the applicant is employed, or intends to be employed as a nurse or midwife,


any person, body or organisation with whom the applicant has an arrangement to provide services as a nurse or midwife.”.


In paragraph 1 of Schedule 4 (notice of renewal of registration)—


at the end of sub-paragraph (e) omit “and”;


after sub-paragraph (f) add—


details of the nature and scope of the registrant’s practice; and


the name and address of—


any person, body or organisation by whom the registrant is employed, or intends to be employed as a nurse or midwife,


any person, body or organisation with whom the registrant has an arrangement to provide services as a nurse or midwife.”.

Given under the common seal of the Nursing and Midwifery Council this 11th day of December 2014.

Mark Addison
Jackie Smith
Chief Executive and Registrar
(This note is not part of the Order)

This Order amends the Nursing and Midwifery Council (Fitness to Practise) Rules 2004 (S.I. 2004/1761) (“the Fitness to Practise Rules”) and the Nursing and Midwifery Council (Education, Registration and Registration Appeals) Rules 2004 (S.I. 2004/1767) (“the Registration Rules”).

Part II of the Schedule amends the Fitness to Practise Rules.

Rule 3 amends the interpretation provisions by inserting a definition of “Case Examiner” and, in relation to case examiners, a definition of “professional” and “lay”.

Rules 4 to 8 amend the Fitness to Practise Rules to provide for the investigation of allegations of impairment of fitness to practise by the Case Examiners and the Investigating Committee or, where the allegation is of a fraudulent or incorrect entry in the register, by the Investigating Committee.

Rule 5 inserts rule 2A to provide that where the Registrar considers that an allegation relates to a fraudulent or incorrect entry in the register, the Registrar must refer this to the Investigating Committee for consideration under rule 5. Where the allegation is that a registrant’s fitness to practise is impaired, the Registrar must refer this to the Case Examiners for consideration in accordance with new rule 6C. It also provides that the Registrar can carry out investigations which the Registrar considers are appropriate to the consideration of an allegation.

Rule 6 amends rule 3 to provide that the Registrar must notify a registrant that an allegation of a fraudulently procured or incorrect entry in the register has been referred to the Investigating Committee and also specifies that the Registrar must notify certain other bodies of the referral.

Rule 7 removes rule 4 which set out the procedure to be followed by the Investigating Committee where an allegation related to impairment of fitness to practise. This procedure is now set out in rule 6D.

Rule 8 substitutes rule 5 which specifies the procedure to be followed by the Investigating Committee when it considers an allegation that an entry in the register has been fraudulently procured or incorrectly made. This substitution is necessary as a consequence of new rule 2A (inserted by rule 5 of the Schedule) and the amendments to rule 3. Rule 13 makes consequential amendments to rule 8.

Rule 9 omits rule 6 of the Fitness to Practise Rules. The requirement to notify the registrant and any person who made the allegation of impairment of fitness to practise, of the Case Examiners’ decision, or in a case where the Investigating Committee considered the allegation, its decision, is now set out in rules 6C and 6D respectively. Where the allegation relates to a fraudulent or incorrect entry in the register, the notice requirement is set out in rule 5(6).

Rule 10 amends the Fitness to Practise Rules by inserting rules 6A, 6B, 6C and 6D. Rule 6A specifies the Registrar’s duty in relation to serving a registrant with notice that an allegation has been referred to the Case Examiners. Rule 6B provides that the Registrar can carry out investigations as the Registrar considers necessary for the Case Examiners’ consideration of the allegation and can request that a registrant submits to an assessment or to a medical examination. Rule 6C sets out the procedure to be followed by the Case Examiners when considering an allegation that a registrant’s fitness to practise is impaired. Rule 6D sets out the procedure to be followed by the Investigating Committee when considering such an allegation. The Investigating Committee will consider an allegation of impairment of fitness to practise only in cases where the Case Examiners fail to agree whether there is a case to answer and the allegation is then referred to the Committee under rule 6C(4).

Rule 11 amends rule 7. Where there has been a no case to answer decision in respect of an allegation of impairment of fitness to practise, rule 7 allows the allegation to be taken into account when considering a fresh allegation of impairment of fitness to practise which is received within three years from the service of the no case to answer decision. By virtue of this amendment, the rule will apply to any such decision of the Case Examiners as well as to those of the Investigating Committee.

Rule 12 inserts rule 7A which provides that a ‘no case to answer’ decision may be reviewed by the Registrar. The rule specifies the circumstances in which there can be such a review, the time limit in which this can be done and the notice requirements.

Part III of the Schedule amends the Registration Rules.

Rule 15 inserts rule 5A providing that the Registrar may request information from any person for the purposes of determining whether, if an applicant’s application for admission to the register is accepted, the applicant will have in force appropriate cover under an indemnity arrangement. Rule 17 inserts rule 13A which makes similar provision in respect of an application for the renewal of a registrant’s registration.

Rule 16 amends rule 13 of the Registration Rules to provide that, on renewal of registration, the registrant must provide the Registrar with other documents and evidence as reasonably required by the Registrar for verification purposes and for determining the application.

Rule 19 inserts rule 15A to the Registration Rules to provide that the Registrar may agree that payment of the prescribed fees for registration, retention, renewal, readmission or restoration may be made by instalments. Rule 18 makes a consequential amendment to rule 14.

Rule 20 amends rule 16 of the Registration Rules to provide that a registrant must inform the Registrar if that registrant does not have an indemnity arrangement providing appropriate cover or if they will not have such cover. It is a condition of registration under article 12A of the Order, that a practising registrant has in place an indemnity arrangement providing appropriate cover.

Rule 21 inserts rule 16A to the Registration Rules to provide that the Registrar may by notice, require a Registrant to provide evidence that the registrant has in place appropriate cover under an indemnity arrangement, details of the nature and scope of the registrant’s practice as well as employer details, This will enable the Registrar to assess whether a registrant does in fact have appropriate cover.

Rule 22 amends rule 25 of the Registration Rules as a consequence of an amendment to Article 37 of the Order which removed the requirement for a Council member to sit as chair of a Registration Appeals Panel and also removed the requirement for a registered medical practitioner to sit on this panel where the health of a person is in issue.

Rule 23 amends Schedule 3 to the Registration Rules to provide that the registrant, when applying for application for admission to the register, must provide details of the nature and scope of their practice and also their employer details. This is to enable the Registrar to check whether the person applying for registration has appropriate cover under an indemnity arrangement, or will have such cover.

Rule 24 makes similar amendments to Schedule 4 in relation to an application for renewal of registration.