PART 2Quality standards and related matters

CHAPTER 1Quality standards

Engaging with the wider system to ensure children’s needs are met5

In meeting the quality standards, the registered person must, and must ensure that staff—


seek to involve each child’s placing authority effectively in the child’s care, in accordance with the child’s relevant plans;


seek to secure the input and services required to meet each child’s needs;


if the registered person considers, or staff consider, a placing authority’s or a relevant person’s performance or response to be inadequate in relation to their role, challenge the placing authority or the relevant person to seek to ensure that each child’s needs are met in accordance with the child’s relevant plans; and


seek to develop and maintain effective professional relationships with such persons, bodies or organisations as the registered person considers appropriate having regard to the range of needs of children for whom it is intended that the children’s home is to provide care and accommodation.